
Personal Narrative: The Mccracken Family

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One of the substance abuse interventions I recently led, resulted in a very public miraculous healing. I was contacted by the McCracken family early in 2015 to lead a last chance intervention for their son Jeff. Jeff McCracken was barely alive when we got him to treatment. Once he arrived at the facility we had in place, they immediately sent Jeff to the hospital. His medical condition was dire, he was given two months to live and sent to Hospice. In Hospice, Jeff’s parents requested our team to pray over him. Within days of that event, Jeff had an incredible turn around and was released from Hospice and entered a program. I sponsored Jeff throughout the recovery process. God has utterly transformed his life. Dubbed a modern day “Lazarus,” …show more content…

Jesus doesn’t come so we can go to some other place when we die, Jesus comes so that we can live a kingdom life now and share an eternal relationship with God. The kingdom of God has already been launched, was always here, and is coming soon in all its fullness. Dallas Willard identifies the Kingdom of God as the range of God’s “effective will,” where what God “wants done is done,” and that the person of God and God’s will are the organizing principles of this kingdom. Hence, he states, “everything that obeys those principles, whether by nature or choice,” is within God’s kingdom. Willard goes on to use the analogy of electricity to describe the kingdom. The kingdom of God has existed with humanity since the beginning, just as electricity has. When humanity figured out how to harness electricity, it changed everything. Electricity became not just a flash in the sky, but something we can plug into. The entire universe is hard-wired with God’s kingdom. In Christ, the kingdom that has always been is accessible in a new way. Through faith in Jesus we can now plug in and translate our ordinary life, into an eternal …show more content…

The awesome conclusion of that series, was the realization of not only bodily resurrection, but that God makes “all things new” (Rev 21:5). The entire cosmos is currently laboring to give birth to a marvelous new creation (Rom 8:18-23). God doesn’t scarp the project and destroy creation, his answer is a renovation—a grand restoration of a currently marred universe, and we are participating in that project now! Resurrected and transformed, an eternal life in this new creation, in which the fullness of the kingdom of God has come, is “life after life after

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