
Personal Narrative: The Home School World Series

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When you are home-schooled, especially in High School, there are a lot of different events and activities. Such as sports,(baseball, softball, dance, etc) Co-op, (credited classes with other kids who are home-schooled, once a week) and even the home-school prom. When you play sports in the home school community, just like in private school, and in public school. There are events to end the season of your sport, dance team (finals), volleyball (regionals), baseball and softball (world series). With baseball in the home-school community there is this huge event in the middle of May in Orlando, Florida. This event is called The Home School World Series. While all of these baseball teams are at the world series competing against other teams all …show more content…

After the photo is taken, then comes the national anthem, the “play ball”. While my was down in Orlando, for this event. We stayed with our vacation club Blue Green. We stayed in Orlando for about ten days. Seven days of that was for the world series. The other three days in florida are spent between the pool relaxing under the UV rays, and Cinderellas Castle. Now, when you go somewhere or experience something for the first time, it's a once in a life time feeling you can not explain. My family and I have been to Disney World many times before, but this time I was able to experience this trip to Disney with my best friend. This was her first time to Disney. Taking the ferry boat to across the water, having the wind in your hair, just the excitement of waiting to for the ferry to stop, and take your first steps into the happiest place on earth. That feeling is something no one can ever take from you. Once we got through the gate and scan our ticket, we walk under the train track tunnel and there it is, Cinderellas Castle. Once we entered Magic Kingdom, we walked onto main

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