In fourth grade, my school district accelerated me and a few classmate one year ahead in math, placing us in a fifth grade math class. Once i reached sixth grade, they accelerated me once again, placing me in Algebra I, instead of Sixth Grade Math or Pre-Algebra, like most of my peers were placed in. From this point on, my school district had an obligation to offer us advanced math classes to a select few of my peers an I, since they willingly accelerated us. However, once it was time to schedule classes for my senior year of high school, the school district decided to eliminate Advanced Calculus III, the course that two of my peers, that had remained accelerated, and I were expecting to take. Naturally, this came as a great shock and caused
Zeus was the youngest of the children born from Kronos and Rhea. Kronos swallowed all of the his children one by one because of an old prophecy he had heard that one of his children will overthrow him. When Rhea found out she was pregnant with Zeus, she was not going to let the same thing happen to him, so she gave birth to Zeus in Crete, and tricked Kronos into swallowing a rock, leading him to believe that it was the baby, making all of the other children come back in reverse order, so now the oldest one is the youngest. This made Zeus to now be the oldest, and the strongest, of all of his siblings, being that he was never swallowed. He is the God of the Sky, and also controls thunder and lightning, which he often uses to his advantage. Zeus plays a huge role in Hesiod’s Theogony, as he is portrayed to of been riddled with bad temper, and we see that a lot in some of the actions he takes through it.
Ladies and gentleman, we are gathered here to push the human race forward. We believe that by improving the educational system we are investing in our future, that everyone should be able to access the type of education that is right for them. Nowadays America faces a very distressful situation regarding the educational reach of our system, which has been engaged with several issues, such as unequal access to education, student dropouts, violence within the walls of the classroom, bullying, gender bias and standardized tests that put the educational community at the verge of a methodic and old fashion evaluation process which eventually lead to a particular lifestyle of the students. Also, the lack of interest in the matter of community service has been rising, as well as our concern for the safe keeping of the citizen’s humanitarian values.
It's the last day of 5th grade. Today we’ll find out who our new teacher would be next year, and then it happened! Our teacher handed out our report cards and supply list and right on the bottom in big, bold letters, said the name. It was our 6th grade teacher, Mr. Persampire.
One thing I will never forget is my fifth grade year, it was one of my best moments. My class made ROVs, had a real life job, owned fake money and owned our own stores. The fifth grade really was the opposite of ennui and had new things right around the corner. 5th grade was by far the best school year of my life. And it all started with ROVs.
Junior year at Tucson High Magnet School I was enrolled in College Algebra a class I was having difficulty in. First semester had already passed and I received the letter grade D. I knew I had to work harder and study more especially if I wanted to get a better grade point average in order to get excepted into Universities.
Remember going into second grade and fearing those one minute division tests? I remember very clearly how afraid and intimidated I was. I panicked because I was scared that I was not going to get a good grade on it. To my surprise, I did not get a high score on it compared to my classmates. I was devastated because I had tried really hard on it. After that, I hated math until seventh grade. Math was my worst subject, and I acknowledge I was terrible at it. I hated it so much that after years of hating it, I developed a passion for math. After some years of practicing math, I fell in love with it. Entering middle school, Algebra was introduced. I loved Algebra because I was not only adding numbers, I was solving for certain variables at the
Seventh grade started off well for me, as most school years did. There was the usual getting used to schedules, teachers, and so on, which always took effect, and then adjusting to who you’re in class with. Well, this and I began my third year of scouting, along with a few of my friends. This allowed us to go camping with each other often, and I enjoyed it very much. All of this held true until around December, so about ⅓ of the way through the school year. This was when my grandpa was sent into the hospital again from a heart problem that he had. When I say “again” I don’t mean that anything had happened too recently, but he did he stay there the previous January before seventh grade. At first, no one in my family worried, but quickly were doubting our initial thoughts. The reason he had relapsed from his previous recovery of the heart condition is because he had taken pills that doctors had told him he would have to take for the rest of his life. This was problematic to him because he had never taken pills for a prolonged period of time before, so after roughly ten months he stopped taking them. He thought he could, even though it went against the doctor's orders, just
It was a normal school day at Brookhurst Jr. High in 7th Period were my friends and I were talking and waiting for the bell to ring so we could all go home and the school day would be over. Before I left I needed to go to the bike racks to get my skateboard so I could ride it home.
Gifted in problem-solving, my sister was able to fall asleep in her math classes and still get an "A" on all her tests. On the contrary, I suffered from a deficiency in this department, instead excelling in language arts and humanities. Despite my talents in the liberal arts, my true passion lied in mathematics and the satisfaction that problem-solving provided.
I stopped talking. I started listening. I listened to his advice. I followed his steps. I put the time in. I was tired, but everything I did, I tried my hardest. I worked as fast as I could. I wrote as fast as my hand could write. I finished more problems faster. I met a hard problem from Algebra which somehow wasn't that hard despite the exponents and fractions. We finished after half an hour passed. I was back to needing help on homework a week later. I told him - and myself - that we would one day stop these little tutor sessions soon, something we both wanted very much. But that day has yet to come.
Did you know that 90% of high school students text during class? It’s become a huge issue in recent years. I believe that texting in class is a bad idea.
During freshman year of geometry was a time when I worked to overcome an educational barrier. Throughout middle school I was always in higher classes for math and succeeded in them. Once it came to freshman year in geometry I thought it was going to be easy. I had friends in my class and I had heard the geometry was just a bunch of shapes and angles. I didn’t think much could go wrong, especially considering that I did good in math the previous years. I started off the class doing good on the first test, but as time went on I started have a down fall on my grade. After a couple test and truly realizing I needed to make a difference I started to ask questions during class when I didn’t understand things. As I started to do better I also started
Everyone has been a few minutes late to a class, however not so many have been four weeks late to a class. I am one of those lucky few. Senior year my schedule was supposed to consist of College Algebra and Elementary Statistics, as part of the Dual Enrollment program at Pensacola State College. Because there were enough students taking the course at my high school, the college allowed a teacher in my school to teach the courses. Due to a few complications I had to drop out of the courses and then had to enroll in Pre-Calculus Honors. I dreaded the very idea. It ended up being quite a challenge. Notwithstanding, I passed the class. This is the most satisfying accomplishment I have ever achieved.
In the ninth grade, I took a double-blocked honors geography class, and in my first semester I received a B. If I am to be completely honest, I struggle greatly with mathematics. The abundance of theorems, formulas, and steps really confuse me. In my first semester of ninth grade year we worked on geometrical proofs for a good amount of the time and I never was able to grasp the concept and procedures that were needed to understand them. That semester I fell behind on homework, tests, and studying because of how frustrated I was at the fact that I did not understand the process. Halfway through the semester, I stayed up all night for a test, and did not put my book down until I understood every single thing in the chapter. I gave myself countless
Ever since I was a young kid I have always loved and excelled at math. Whenever I took a standardized test I was always in the 99th percentile. That love of numbers and equations has carried over to my senior year. Next quarter I will be taking the highest math class offered by my school (multivariable calculus) as well as a statistics class and also tutoring math students for 2 periods in both algebra and calculus. With this passion for math I knew that I wanted to major in something math related. Up until this year I wasn’t sure of the exact major I wanted. That all changed when I fell in love with statistics. I asked my teacher some majors that deal with a lot of statistics and she told me about majoring in actuarial science. The more