
Personal Narrative On Suicides

Decent Essays

The sun glares down upon me from the sky. Sweat drips from my brow as I search for any signs of a cloud that will provide some respite from the 100 degree heat. I cling to the chain-link fence that surrounds the tennis court for support, my lungs desperately pleading for air. The soles of my feet burning underneath me, I feel ready to collapse. We – I and seven other students – had just finished our second suicide after a series of other training drills, and I was ready to go home for a cold shower and some much needed rest. Our coach, who we call Coach G, then yells, “Again!” We line up at the white doubles line. “Suicides,” I thought, “a more appropriately named activity I have never heard in my life,” as I just about felt ready to die. The whistle shrieks, my deadened ears barely able to hear the strident sound. We set off, touching each consecutive line and returning to our starting position. Doubles line, singles line, center, singles line, doubles line – I finish the first court. We then continue on to the second, repeating the routine with the added challenge of having to return to the doubles line of the first court each time. This continues on to the third court, then the fourth. Finally, after reaching the end of the …show more content…

I know that regardless of the difficulties I experience as a result of my asthma, I will not be treated any differently than my teammates, and thus I must ensure that I am able to keep up. I feel that if I do not persevere, I will be doing a disservice to myself, my team, and the sport that I love and have been playing since childhood. Though my efforts do not garner any special recognition, I feel that the feeling I get when I am able to successfully complete a practice is the greatest reward I could ever ask

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