
Personal Narrative: My Road Trip To Texas

Satisfactory Essays

About a month ago I graduate at Jensen Gymnasium Västerås in Sweden. I had a thought of a road trip in the U.S, so I talked to my friend Elisabeth, who lives in Texas. I asked her if she wanted to go on a road trip with me and she said yes. So, I flew to Texas and before that I hired a car which I picked up at the airport. I got the car and I drived to Elisabeth. When I arrived we talked about my flight trip and small bored stuff. After that we got some food and went to bed because it was late in the night. Texas is the second largest state in the U.S with around 27 million residents since 2015. The name of the capital is Austin and the biggest state in Texas is Houston. The population in Texas are christian there 50% are protestants and 20% catholics (Wikipedia, Texas, 2016). …show more content…

Around the San Antonio River Walk there are many restaurants with mexicans “background”(Wikipedia, Riverwalk, 2016). I felt that the environment unlike from the big cities are more healthier and fresher. My thought of the San Antonio River Walk is really bright because it’s a beautiful place. Especially the restaurants with the colorful

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