
Personal Narrative: My Personal Experience As A Nontraditional Student

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My personal experience as nontraditional student coming back to Umass was slight nerve racking. I was not sure how I was going to be greeted by my classmates or if they would even understand what it would be like and to have had the experiences of social class division and economic separation I struggled with my entire life. There were many times I doubted what I said or could offer my classmates would be valued and seen as a positive contribution. For these reasons I found having a professor who was not young and not as old who understood social stratification. Professor Ray eased my nerves in her class and gave not just myself but other students a space where they could stumble in thinking and be picked up without being criticized and judged. While the material was content I was somewhat familiar with and others I had no clue about, her teaching style, assignments, and work load made you want to understand the readings and have witty responses and provoking reflective discomfort. During Professors Ray’s class there were issues that came between students that had created tension in a way that had interfered with my focus in class. I was able to bring these issues to her …show more content…

Witnessing my fellow classmates foggy this semester on the , has since lead a way constantly to the material covered in Professor Ray’s class in ways we could not have imagined. What Shakuntala gave us, allowed us to compassionately challenging each other moving forward into our unknown futures with a connection forged by the teaching style and demand of Professor Ray. What she bring to the classroom is commendable and far more reaching then just another class with heavy loads of reading, she instills strength and asks her students to embrace the unknown in a manner that allows growth and maturity of her

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