
Personal Narrative: My First Week Of St. Joe CEO Class

Satisfactory Essays

The first week of St.Joe CEO classes have just started and WOW, what an experience! The first day, which was more like an introductory day, was spent mainly on expectations and answering any questions. I'll be the first to admit it's been a little tough waking up a little earlier than usual. And still each day I have never looked back wishing I would have been able to sleep a little longer. Then came the first visit with South Bend Cubs President Joe Hart at four winds field. After receiving a tour around the stadium and Mr. Hart explaining the changes/renovations they have made, I left with my eyes wide open. I learned how much of a different management can make on a business of any industry. It amazed me how they were able to turn the brand around and break records of attendance due to change in management and focus on customer service. Next thing I knew, a couple days later I found myself sitting in. A suite watching the south bend Cubs play for the first time in my life. …show more content…

Justin Maust. The two hours he was able to speak to us flew by fast. And at the end of class I was inspired and motivated to start taking action on any of my pending items and taking charge of my life. I learned so many things from Mr.Maust I don't know how to put it all on paper. In the end all I can say is I think I can speak for everyone when I say that Mr. Has inspired us all to look at challenges and life through a different perspective in order to make the most out of it. At the end of the week I was more than pleased, I was ecstatic at what a great opportunity this class is and how much fun it is! I look forward to the opportunities to come and the connections to be

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