
Personal Narrative: My Experience At The COO Leadership Program

Decent Essays

This summer I had an opportunity to attend the CORO Leadership program, which was different than the internship I had last year at the Jewish Community Federation. CORO is a eight week program that helps students become civically engaged and assume leadership roles in our community. Everyday we had a seminar day in which we learned different topics, such as how to give an elevator pitch, social enterprise and grant writing. For seven weeks, everything I learned tied up with the San Francisco cohort community action project because the skill sets we learned helped us organize our project. For example, our topic is homelessness and we had to invite over fifty people to our event. The elevator pitch came in handy when we had a minute to explain to a stranger what CORO is and what our goal for the community action project is. This was a good experience because this program enjoyed putting the students on the spot. I often had to work in a group to give presentations that we had about four hours to prepare for. For social enterprise seminar, my group was assigned the issue, homelessness. After four hours of brainstorming, we presented our idea which was to build more affordable housing. Although it was a long process, and many investors had questions for us to answer, at the end of the day my group won. …show more content…

I worked on marketing through social media for the organization and helped spread the word about what VYDC does. This experience was completely different from my internship last summer because I got to do hands on work with advertising instead of just learning about what marketing is. It was amazing to see the impact social media can do for an organization, and how our society revolves around the

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