
Personal Narrative: My Dance Performance

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In 2014, I was part of the chorus in an amateur production of Oliver!. Though my part was only small, the feeling of a regular routine in a theatre felt like home to me, and I feel that’s when I became enthralled with live theatre, musical or otherwise. From then on I have taken part in as many productions and theatre experiences as possible. With my local dance school I have taken part in many dance performances, mostly ballet and tap dance. I have done several performances with ‘Mardi Gras’ – a company that allows dance schools perform in nationally acclaimed theatres, in my case this has been Saddler’s Wells Theatre and the Royal Albert Hall, twice respectively, and through these performances have gained a working knowledge of a few other dance styles, especially Irish step and hard shoe. In contrast, I have also found a passion in directing and teaching theatre and dance. In 2012 I controlled costume and wardrobe in a school production of ‘Twelfth Night’, and have since then started running an improvised drama club for key stage three with some classmates of mine. I have now been running the club for three years, and the club’s increasing popularity has given me great confidence in my teaching and directing ability, as well as improving my skills as a leader. This continues, as I directed a fully student organised school production of Shakespeare’s ‘The Taming of the Shrew’, that was performed in May 2016, by a range of girls aged 13 to 18, with a full backstage crew also made up of students. Through directing, I have also discovered a passion for theatre production, to the point …show more content…

I became a form guardian for a year seven form in the academic year of 2015/2106. This involved regularly visiting a class of year sevens, mentoring and guiding them through their transition into their new school. I also became a house

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