
Personal Narrative: What I Learned In Dance

Decent Essays

Since I was three years old, dance has been a passion of mine. Throughout elementary school, I tried many other activities, however, I never enjoyed anything as much as I enjoyed dance. In my fourteen years of dancing, I have learned to work with a team and to use constructive criticism in a positive way. Also, I have learned that hard work leads to performance.
Before competing, my team and I spend weeks learning choreography and practicing technique. Learning choreography is very time consuming and can be frustrating at times because it will often be changed until it is how we want it to be. Although it can be exasperating, spending hours on choreography and technique pays off in the end when there is a routine that everyone is excited to perform. …show more content…

Dance has also taught me to adjust to situations. Since I began competing, I have had to deal with several situations that required me, my teammates, and teachers to adjust. Most of these situations result from people not being able to perform due to injuries. When I was in seventh grade, I broke my wrist, and my teachers had to change several parts of my dances because of my limitations, and the other dancers had to adapt to the situation. At first when I broke my wrist, I thought it would be arduous to start dancing after taking time off; however, the process was effortless because of the help from my teachers and teammates. Finally, one reason that I enjoy working with my team is that we all share a passion for dance; this mutual passion creates a positive energy whenever we are

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