
Personal Narrative: My Cultural Identity

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Wherever you were born, however you were raised, whoever or whatever you believe in, you have a cultural identity. Culture plays a massive influence on identity. Your cultural identity is how you perceive yourself. It is the feeling of belonging to a group. Your unique childhood and background sets you apart from everybody else because they haven’t had the same upbringing as you. My cultural identity wouldn’t exist without the Indian culture of my parents and the American culture that I live in.
Language is one of the most important forms of non-material culture and it is a huge part of my identity. The two languages that I speak are Gujurati and English. I learned to speak Gujurati before English because I had to start Pre-K a year later than most kids. Language is fundamental to my cultural identity …show more content…

My parents have high expectations from me and most of them pertain to my education. My parents value education so much because they didn’t have the same educational opportunities as I do. That is why they want me to excel in school. My parents don’t want me to end up living in a small house without an adequate job like them. Education is very important to me in order for me to have a good life and to help my parents in any way I can when they get old. My ultimate goal is to be accepted to the University of Florida and become a doctor. I need to constantly push myself to do my very best in school so I can achieve that goal. Because my parents put education as their first priority, it puts a lot of pressure on me to succeed. They always expect me to make A’s on all of my assignments. I try my hardest to get perfect grades, but sometimes I don’t. When I don’t make an A, I feel bad because that is not what my parents want. Although they don’t punish me for it, I hate seeing disappointment caused by me in their eyes. Exceling in my education is the only way I can achieve my dreams and make my parents proud of

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