
Personal Narrative: My Cultural Identity

Decent Essays

Each individual person is not identical. We each have our own unique differences which makes us who we are. We each have our own cultural identity which is shaped by our experiences and history. I am one hundred percent Japanese, but ethnicity is not the only thing that defines my cultural identity. I am teenager who plays basketball, loves technology, and plays video games. I do not celebrate any Japanese traditions or holidays, do not speak Japanese, and have never visited Japan. When I tell people I am Japanese, they want to know all about my Japanese traditions. I feel a little embarrassed of the fact that I cannot answer their question, but at the same time a little bothered that they assume I know all about Japan. Is it my responsibility …show more content…

It was not class meant to learn the whole Japanese language in three weeks, but it was class meant to introduce children to the Japanese culture. I had expected the class to be pure torture because I had no passion or enthusiasm towards the subject. I was so positive I was going to hate the class because I would learn about culture that has no impact on me. When I started the class and found it was actually intriguing and fun, I was taken by surprise. I learned how to make traditional Japanese cuisine, proper etiquette at the dinner table and much more. Although I had known very little about Japanese culture before this experience, I felt as if I had gained a better understanding of my cultural identity. It helped me realize how my Japanese heritage has shaped me to be the person I am now. One example, is that my family leaves our shoes outside our house which is also a sign of respect in Japan. I was naive to think that I was not influenced by Japanese culture just because I had never been to Japan. This lead me to think of myself as a California roll. The roll was created in America having its unique aspect of having the rice on the outside of the seaweed, just as I have my own unique cultural identity. It was something new and innovative, but it still had influences from Japan, where sushi originated from, like how my Japanese heritage has influenced me even though I did not notice it at the

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