
Personal Narrative: Mrs. Power

Decent Essays

Everyone defines high school as the base of your career, were magnificent teachers providing knowledge to help you exceed in life. But tell me how are we supposed to exceed while having teachers who does not provide enough information for my understanding? My senior year of high school I was placed in a math class with an instructor who goes under the name if Mrs. Power, but rather known as Mrs. Pointless. "Ok class everyone quiet!” are the exact words Mrs. Powers would say before starting class. She made class dull and pointless. By far she is the worst teacher I have had. She had little knowledge of what she was teaching in class, had out dated policies and lastly was extremely rude. Walking into math class was the hardest time of day. I knew I was not going to be learning much, nor was I interested in knowing what she had to teach considering I knew I would have to go home and research it. Mrs. Power not elaborating much on her lesson simply handing …show more content…

We are in the year 2015, however I felt that Mrs. Powers were not aware of that. She had absurd policies the most well know policy she had was getting kicked out of class if you spoke to your classmate next to you. My classmates and I didn’t try to socialize during class we actually spoke to each other to try to help each other out to understand the subject discussed in class. Then again if we got kicked out of class how were we supposed to do exceed in her class or simply pass? It made no sense. For the reasons I mention above is why Mrs. Power was my least favorite teacher. However just because I didn’t like her way of teaching does not mean I didn’t learn. I may not have learned the lesson of the day, but I did learn not everything would be handed to me or written in paper. I learned to depend on my own knowledge, to take the first step and research a topic when I don’t understand instead of depending on a teacher to explain it all from the

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