I have learned many things over the thirty-plus hours I have spent on my Senior Project. My Senior Project is learning how to Crochet, and so far I have have created scarves, a blanket and granny squares. During this time, I have learned how to prioritize, organize, pay attention to detail and learn how to budget. Crochet, while a relaxing pastime, was a lot more complicated than I had anticipated at first. Crocheting takes up space, materials and most importantly lots of time.
Making something is always time consuming, especially when you are Crocheting a blanket out of granny squares. Which is exactly what I did. When creating the blanket, I had to prioritize my time and what I needed to do. I learned along the way what took the most time and when I should do what. I am still learning, but I have improved since the beginning. Crocheting takes planning, not just for time, but also for space. From crocheting I have learned to organize my materials to take up the minimum amount of space. Making stacks of squares, then sewing them into rows takes up a lot of space, and I need a place to put all of my
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Without enough I cannot continue, and if I make a mistake, then I need to know what my next move is. Over the project, I made 120 individual squares, and combined them into twelve rows. This required both time, patience, and attention to detail. Making everything perfect in crochet is very difficult, but making sure things are connected properly, knotted well and are line are important. I developed a better eye for detail over time, and also developed a better eye for budgeting. I was unprepared for the amount of materials needed for crocheting. Not just yarn, but crochet needles, sewing needles, sharp scissors and patterns were needed to finish my final product. Learning to Crochet was a lot of fun, but it also made me a better planner, organizer, budget manager and detailed oriented
In my Genius Hour Project there were many challenges involved, however; the biggest one though was setting everything up and the design of the piece on the computer. The reason it was the biggest challenge is because there are so many steps involved to getting the piece how you want it you have to get on the program and find what design and layout of the shape you want,what
The first was a square for our collaborative art project. My mom and I had come up with the idea of a crayon batik quilt several months ago and needed her to make a square so we would have enough to sew together. In order to make this quilt, we first had to peel a bunch of crayons. Next, we had to melt the crayons based on color so all the members interested could paint their fabric squares. Then, we had to soak the squares in Rit dye so they looked like stained glass. The
Humans are all so appalling, today i was doing the dishes and I realized how gross my family is. I am almost traumatized from the things i saw. I saw a crock pot filled with water corn and grapes, but the worst part is that there were 2 knives at the bottom of the crockpot. Did they expect me to put my hands in this horrible water like substance? No, I was not subjecting my hands to their horrible stench. Then suddenly it came to me, dump the crock pot and maybe I will be able to get the knives without having to wash my hands over and over again. I tried to dump it. I couldn’t. There was a tray resting next to the crock pot which was holding it down. I moved the tray cleaned that, then I was able to dump the crock pot and grab the knives
Sydney J. Harris once said, “The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.” Many struggling individuals have turned their painful situations into positive ones with the support and guidance of teachers and positive role models. Schools frequently serve as recourses for students who experience problems at home and in social situations. These students are able to thrive and grow with the assistance of caring mentors. Melinda, the protagonist in SPEAK, and Tillie, the protagonist in The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds, encounter barriers at school but discover teachers who are able to help them overcome personal difficulties. Both girls learn valuable life lessons and gain hope through certain academic courses, find important and encouraging mentors, and suffer ostracism at school for different reasons.
I was talking to my grandma earlier and I told her my plan and how I was going to give the kids at Children’s Hospital blankets. She said that it was a good idea, but that the hospitals already have a lot of blankets and then she recommended making them for the elderly at Presbyterian Homes who are all one and stuck there. I thought that my grandma’s suggestion was a really good idea and I set a goal for myself to make blankets for Presbyterian Homes. I really enjoyed making the blanket and I learned a lot, and I am looking forward to doing it again tomorrow and this
In my earliest years, I can recall one of our projects with my 1st grade teacher. It was very memorable for me, because we went all out for it. The project like most of us in that class remember was to write a story. The story was Flat Stanley. I was mostly ahead of my game in my early years. Then, there came my 5th grade year, The teacher i had in that class always got on me, for not paying attention. I almost got held back that year because i couldn’t focus. That year onward, was a struggle for me.
Throughout this year, I have learned to work more diligently with my school work. In this class, I learned the many topics and lessons Ms.Cranford provided for me. Putting aside educational lessons, this class taught me to communicate better with people I don’t know. I learned to adapt to a new class. In addition, I
Throughout my Senior Project, learning the piano has taught me important skills that grown ups used in the real world. I have learned transferable skills that will help me beyond high school and into the real world of adults. Timeliness, that I start to use my habit of arriving early to meet up with my mentor because sometimes you don’t know if you’ll face traffic on the way or a road close, and being early or on time makes a good impression with the person you're working with. Another skill I have learned to improve on is prioritize an important event, that I learned to see which assignment is important and need to be done before having to start with the other assignments. Balancing both college class and Senior Project as well as Political Studies assignment throughout each week
Having to write about my own literacy is hard to do, first of all it’s hard to recall things that happened when you were a child let alone when I started to read and write, I remember going to school playing, the teacher reading to us, making vowel sounds and learning to write my name; I recall the teacher giving out the spelling list and taking it home to practice before Friday’s test, I would go to school hoping and praying that I would not misspell any words; as usual I missed a couple of words and I knew what that meant.
People say that I’m too young to have problems in my life but they don’t know that even though I’m only sixteen years old, life forced me to become a mature person at a young age. I see things differently than most teenagers, which means that it’s harder for me to fit in. I’m not good at making friends, I’m very selective but I like to help people if they need me. My crucible started since I came to the United States when I was twelve, and after that my life has been so different.
Ever since I was younger I have always tried staying away from reading. The only person in my family that likes to read is my mom; however, she does not read often. Once she picks up a book, she cannot put it down. My dad on the other hand, never picks up a book. He and I are one in the same; we do not like reading because we have a hard time comprehending what we read. My brother also does not like to read. He does not like reading because he has a learning disability. My mom always had an extremely tough time getting him to read. Overall, my literacy experiences at home are few and far between.
I find myself reading this short paragraph over and over(above). My topic sentence makes me happy and proud. Going back to school was the best thing I have done. I chose to talk about going back to school to the “future employer” because it shows I am motivated as well as dedicated. This class has brought a lot to my attention. The mannerism that is expected in the “business world” is to speak and write well. It is extremely important to know how to write (type) a meaning full and proper paper whether it is for school or work. I have noticed a great impact in my vocabulary and writing skills. My boss told me on Monday he is impressed with the new docs I typed up for our new clients (with no help from him). I was not excited about this class
The Amazon Rainforest is the largest rainforest and river basin in the world. It covers around 2.1 million square miles of land, and exists in eight different countries and one French Territory. The Amazon rainforest is one of the most diverse places on the planet, accounting for ten percent of all known species, with more being discovered every year. But in this fragile ecosystem, people see opportunity to make money and a lifestyle, sometimes even illegally, trying to profit in the logging, mining, and agriculture industries. However, these industries help contribute to the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest.
At the young age of __, I would watch my my mom leave and then come home glistening, talking about everything she had learned at Michaels craft store. I decided that I wanted to participate as well and begged my mother to allow me to accompany her. When I first got there I did not know what to expect. Our instructor was teaching us the wonders of fondant and how to maneuver it into different forms. I was so intrigued, how could something so plain and boring be transformed into such beautiful petals, roses, trucks and more. My small hands could not do the same things as my mother. I would see my mother do everything with little to no effort as I practically killed every rose the instructor asked me to make. My hands were not delicate nor kind to the fondant, but instead I would accidentally ruin every petal I attempted making.
3.The techniques i used were the knit stitch and i did try some purling stitches which at first i wasn't as comfortable with but then i tried the purl stitch again and it got easier but then for some reason i ended up adding on some stitching on so i decided to just restart my project that i was planning to do purling on and just do knit stitch because it was easier,i knew what i was doing and i got very quick at the knit stitch.So for my coffee cup cozy i did the knit stitch the whole