
Personal Narrative: Kansas Association For Youth Club

Decent Essays

While attending a small school, one can choose either to be involved in nothing, or in everything. During my time as a student at Burrton High School, I chose the latter. While at Burrton, I participated in almost every club, sport, and activity the school had to offer, especially in leadership positions. These positions taught me many lessons which have helped me improve as a leader and as a person.

As president, vice president, and treasurer of my school’s KAY (Kansas Association for Youth) Club, I attended KAY Leadership Camp, met many friends and learned leadership techniques which helped me to lead the club to success in various community service projects and fundraisers. Among these were a block the door drive in which students donated canned goods for our community food bank, highway cleanup days to clear the ditches of litter, and many other events. KAY has taught me the value of service to others and how to guide a group towards a common goal for the betterment and benefit of other people and the community and world. …show more content…

Even though we did not find much success in the win-loss column, we focused on improving what we could and doing our job both on and off the field, put academics and behavior in the classroom as a priority above the game, learned the value of camaraderie and brotherhood, and fought through

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