
Personal Narrative: Joann Botani

Satisfactory Essays

When most people hear my full name , “Joann Botani," they automatically assume I'm Italian, but truth is I am actually Middle Eastern. From what I know my dad does have a little Italian in his blood but the name “Botani” actually comes from a city in Turkey. I come from an upper-middle class house hold and I have two younger siblings, a brother and a sister. Being the oldest has its challenges because there is so much expected from me whether it is school, work or social life. I tend to think my younger siblings have it easier because I am the one who pushes the boundaries with my parents and because of that my siblings usually get to do what ever the want because it is not as extreme as what I do. It has always been easy for my younger sister because she is the “princess” of the house but I am my dad’s favorite while my brother is a momma’s boy. My family is very competitive when it comes to school and grades, my little brother and I were always duking it out …show more content…

I know the material I just don't know what happens to me during a test, I think I did well and when I get my score back it is not as well as I thought. This has been a real struggle for me because all schools here look at test scores for admission into colleges and tests are usually a majority of your final grade. When it comes to writing, I like to think I am a pretty decent writer, I actually enjoy writing papers than completing tests. My writing isn't perfect, I do miss a comma here and there and there may be a typo or two but I am improving, I promise! When I was younger my biggest issue in school was with spelling, so many silent letters that tricked me, but I have improved greatly with that. Something that really struggles me when writing currently is getting started, as soon as I can come up with the first few sentences of the paper or paragraph I have no trouble flowing out the

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