
Personal Narrative: It's Me Hayes

Satisfactory Essays

I flew back home the day after, and took the day off from my new studio and job. I layed around and took time to organize my house up. I still had boxes to unpack to set up my studio, and as I was taking things out I found my guitar and a note with it that must have been placed in there just three days ago, since that’s when the movers packed it all up for me. I opened it up and read aloud. “Dear Caroline, it’s me Hayes. I’m not sure if you remember much of me, but I sure do remember you. I hope your life is well in wherever you ended up. I always knew you would make it out. I saw your daddy a few days ago outside, he seems to have his life cleaned up. I hope you’ve spoken with him lately. I’m sure he misses you a lot. I’m sorry I didn’t call

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