
Personal Narrative: I Am A Tactile/Auditory Learning Style

Decent Essays

I am a Tactile/Auditory learner. I know this true from the Learning Style Quiz and it mentioned, I am a Tactile/Auditory learner. I also know that this is true due to the fact I have noticed myself that I learn more if I am hands on and if I hear it first. Also, I strongly feel that I am a tactile learner more than I am an auditory one. An example of why I feel this is, when I complete an activity hands on it is easier for me to remember. Also, I am a major independent person and I love to accomplish stuff for myself. I also have numerous more learner traits my strong ones and my weak ones and that is what I am discussing in this essay. One learner trait that I am weak at, and I need to be honest about is I am not hugely

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