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"More than anything, I just want you to know that there is more than one person you can lean on. You may have someone up their who you are relying on, but you have two incrediably strong sons who would never wish to see their mother in pain like this. Whatever the outcome we finally get your boys will be strong for you and in return I'm sure you will be strong for them."[/b] Ida's sudden whirlaround from religion was meant for both of their sakes. Ida for one couldn't feel the empathy needed to talk about why Siobhan's God was testing her like this and Siobhan appeared to spiraling even more down into the refugee of her gospel. Ida let herself sink down into one of the pews as she felt herself breaking down her walls. There was a time in a place for strong no-nonsense Ida, but now seemed like the worst time. [b]"I'm terrified of the thoughts that are going through your head Siobhan. Not because they are wrong or right, but because if I think to hard my brain starts playing tricks. Rather than you pacing back in forth in the hospital hallways I see myself aganozing over Mick, because I may not compeltely understand everything you are feeling but I do know that the same fear strikes may heart on a whim."[/b] Ida paused wandering if her words …show more content…

She's tasked with waiting for him to get home safely despite knowing how his eyes flutter open and shut while he drives. She's tasked with brightening his days despite her own being dreary. She's tasked with loving even when she is angred. Sometimes the worst part of her role is sitting by his bedside being his rock when he was supposed to be hers. All because she has made a lifetime commitment to someone she never wants to let go."[/b] Ida struggled with summing up her point. [b]"My point is rather dull but I'll repeat, you are not alone in this Siobhan. If my positivity on the situation can't raise your hopes at least this declration will do some

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