
Personal Narrative: Grace

Decent Essays

Grace has been my best friend since we were in preschool together. Although we fight like siblings, she is the most kind hearted, and the nicest person I know. No matter the adventure, she is always their for me through good and bad, like today.

I held my knees to my chest and rolled from side to side in pain. I tried hard holding back the tears, as they asked me questions. Next, the paramedics took me right into the ER and the doctors looked at me, and I felt useless. In the distance, a doctor rushed in and push the red button. Then, I couldn't hear anybody else in the room, all I can do is see what was happening. Shockingly, they came at me with tubes and started shoving them in my throat, I've never felt more pain in my life. Last thing …show more content…

In the morning i would eat breakfast, go to physical therapy, eat lunch look at the progress of the fun room, eat dinner and go to bed.

Tomorrow was the day. Finally I’m able to to see the finished fun room and my physical therapist doesn't have to walk around with me any more.

When I woke up the next morning I got dressed in my best clothing and went to the kid room. Outside I could see kids lined up and I stepped into the middle of them with my family at my side. Their is a long piece of string going from wall to wall, i could not wait. My family and I all all grabbed onto the scissor and cut open the string, the kid room was now open, a colorful room with a bunch of fun games to play. The kids cheered and hugged me.

Out of the corner of my eye, i saw a kid crying. What is wrong? He turned around and looked at me with his teray eyes and said “ Three weeks ago I was diagnosed with leg cancer and it stinks I already have had two surgeries and I have another one tomorrow.

I looked down at my wrist and saw the bracelet and gave it to him and told the little buy “ Wear this bracelet. When I was first diagnosed with brain cancer my friend Grace gave me this bracelet as good luck, and I want to wish the same to

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