
Type 1 Diabetic Nurse

Decent Essays

Before realizing what was happening, a nurse was trying to put an IV in my arm. The needle compared to my little arm looked huge and too long to go in my arm. I refused to let them touch me and tried to run to my mom. When they had a hard time succeeding at putting my IV in, they decided to get help from my mom. She calmly told me to lay down and to watch her, while they put the needle in. It was hard to ignore the pain pulsing through my arm and all the commotion happening all around me. I looked at my mom and saw the tears that were falling down her face as they held me down. When they were done, there was an IV and a cast on my arm, so that I would not be able to pull the IV out. Then they wheeled me into another room where my mom held and comforted me, while we waited to hear the results. …show more content…

He said that I was a Type 1 diabetic and was lucky that I had gotten to the hospital when I did. He also said that when I arrived that my glucose level was in the eight hundreds. For someone who is healthy, their glucose level should be between ninety-five and one-hundred and twenty. If we had waited any later, my body could have shut down and gone into a diabetic coma, but thankfully the doctors and nurses brought my levels back to normal. I stayed in the hospital for about three days, so that my mom and dad could learn how to treat me and how to set a routine. I had to check my glucose level and take one shot in the morning, one shot in the afternoon depending on my levels, and one before going to bed. After getting a hold on things, we left the hospital and went

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