
Personal Narrative: Female Homeless Veterans

Satisfactory Essays

jas boothe shows me a around a nine bedroom three story house in Alexandria Virginia.

This is the home she runs for female homeless vets.

Boothe an army veteran herself knows what it is to be homeless….

After surviving her deployment to Iraq boothe returned home and her life was dealt three devastating blows.

Hurricane Katrina destroyed everything she owned

a month later, she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of head and neck cancer

she thought her luck was changing when she was given a clean bill of health

clip I was definitely happy because I knew my son would still have his motherthat was my whole thing you have to get better for Brandon you can't leave him here on this earth alone.

But life sucker punched boothe one more time…the army down sized …show more content…

clip: How many homeless women's veterans do we have they hadn't been tracked as a population in addition to the women who had not served now you have this population now trying to track and support

that made boothe angry…the male veterans had places to go…people reached out to help them.

Clips But they will see a woman veteran with her kids she immediately becomes a poor excuse for a mother. Why does she have children she can't take care of she is a disgrace she needs to lose her kids they don't look at her as a soldier or service member who fell on hard times because she is a woman whatever she did it is something she to put her in that

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