
Personal Narrative Essay : Trust And Loyalty

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Trust and loyalty goes a long way and it is harder than you may think. For me it came in middle school when I began finding myself. As kids we are all taught to treat others like you would want to be treated. Sure, kids will shake their heads and act like we are listening. But when you leave through the door all that advice goes straight through the window. If someone looks, talks, or even walks different, he or she will be bullied by others. I would know because I was apart of a group who would partake in such behavior. I’ve seen it my whole life and what did I do, let me tell you In elementary school and the beginning of Middle school I hung out with a group of popular kids. I began hanging around them because I wanted to me just like them, “popular”. I was scrawny, awkward, and quiet growing up, but played in a lot of sports. Which was the main reason I wasn’t discluded from their group. Walking through the halls in school I would mimic them in the hopes I would be “cool” too. This included belittling other kids who weren’t as fortunate as the rest of us. Again, I didn’t notice anything wrong with it because it was fun for the others. So being a naive kid I went along with it.
This was until I saw one of the kids we bullied crying, his name was Meredith. He was autistic making him an easy candidate to be bullied and made it even harder to make friends. I approached him to see what was wrong and he immediately yelled at me to get away because he had recognized me from

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