
Personal Narrative Essay

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My mom squeezed my hand with tears running down her face. She quickly wiped her eyes when the nurse walked in. We were ready to get the appointment started. First came the normal check up procedures. I desperately wanted the doctor to come so I could tell him my symptoms and get out of this place. The nurse finished up and we were told to wait for Doctor Phil to come in.
“Alright, Valerie, go ahead and tell me what is wrong.” Doctor Phil said.
“ Well I can barely walk by myself, I haven’t ate in 3 days, my side hurts so bad I can’t even move and it is hard to breath. Sound normal to you? I think not.”
“ Let me check some things out and we will go from there.” Doctor Phil took my blood pressure, heart rate, checked my ears, eyes, and mouth. “ Your breathing definitely does not sound right.” he assured me. “We are gonna get you in so you can have an x-ray done on your lungs.” We all walked …show more content…

What is going on? Shouldn’t the medicine be helping not making it worse? Did we even got to a real doctor?” I cried out. As I moved my head to look at my mom her eyes turned glossy like glass as she looked away not even able look at me. My dad took care of me that night so my mom could get some sleep. I didn’t sleep for longer than 10 minutes at a time. The stabbing knife in my stomach, throwing up at the sight of my medicine, and not being able to care for myself. These feelings overwhelmed me and I couldn’t bare it. The next day we became aware those symptoms were not normal since I had my medicine. Doctor Phil took another look at my x-rays. Bad news. We got a call around noon that day my mom fell to the floor crying I was hopeless just waiting for my death. I had a lung infection sitting right on top of the pneumonia on the same exact lung. That meant more recovery time, more medicine, and worst of all more pain. I didn’t eat for at least 1 week only getting liquids inside me. My face pale as a ghost barely a complexion, slowly losing my weight pound by

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