
Personal Narrative Essay : Personal Experience In High School

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The bus comes at 6:30. It’s 6:25, and I’m still lying in my bed imagining today like any other day. Alone. Walking through the halls, of a place I know I don’t belong in. Knowing that my peers around me hate me and treat me differently just because of my money situation, it hurts, we were all accepted to this school for one reason, knowledge, and one special talent. I would never be able to be at this school without a scholarship, and now I wish I never had it. I would throw away everything; my high IQ, my art, everything. Just to go back to normal school for poor people like me, and not to be treated like before. Now it’s 6:28 two minutes before that stupid rich people coach bus comes to pick us up. I jump up, grab my art supplies and my backpack and head out. I sit on the bus, alone. Behind me is Aria, Martha and Gabe, the main bullies, to me. Only me. Every morning is the usual, they spit gum into my hair. I’m used to it by now, we have assigned seats so it’s not like I can move away, every moment, every class I’m with them, they’re so mean. And no one cares. No one. I’ve tried to stand up for myself, but that doesn’t work. I don’t know what else to do. 1st hour, homeroom. Aria, Martha,and Gabe are standing in the back of the room on there phones, I realize everyone else has there phones out too. I check my iphone4 to see what they are looking at,when I open up my phone, there are 192 instagram notifications, I only have my family on instagram so I don’t know what’s going on. Then I see it. I see all these pictures of me posted on my account, ones of me changing in PE class, blowing my nose, and of me crying, the descriptions are pretty nasty too. Wayyyyyy to inappropriate for school. I turn around and see Aria, Martha and Gabe taking pictures of me on there iphoneXs, while they laughed. Of course, some how, they hacked my account,a few minutes later I get a text from my mom, she asks, “where did are the pictures come from?” All I say back is “idk, the bullies” and then shut my phone off. Everyone kept laughing and calling me things that aren’t appropriate…at all. I just try to tune them out and focus on my school work. This went on for the rest of the week before I decided to deactivate my account. At

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