
Personal Narrative Essay On Football Championship

Decent Essays

There stood the final score 27-21, Vikings have done it, they are going to the Championship, again.Steelers stood quiet on the sideline while their opposing team were jumping up and down all across the field yelling and screaming and hugging each other in joy.Then you had my team, the now beaten Steelers who had just blew their Championship chance all because of me. I was only a sixth grader then and I was only playing in a little league,but felt terrible not in the mad way like an angry bull charging a fire red cape but disappointed like as if you had a chance to save the world and you decided to stay watch TV. As I was presented with a third place medal I wondered if I even deserved it had I not of fumbled the ball I would have a cheering team and a golden trophy in my hand but no, I had a bronze medal hanging from my neck.So from that day forth I decided I wasnt ever going to stop playing football and practicing football until my body couldn’t take it anymore.

That summer after sixth grade went pretty fast,it was mainly filled with on and off training with the high school varsity football team.We would do drills every weekday in July until August 9, that’s when I was on my own, it was football season. The first day of school was a little hard being in a new school and …show more content…

As the second week began with a bang at that monday evening practice we had our first scrimmage against the eighth grade team,they had been unbeaten the year before but the fact of the matter is the had guys that were like 6”1 or taller and our tallest guy was 5”9.He was on the B team!So you could imagine what happened even though the coaches weren’t keeping track our bench warmers were and it was bad.The score was 42-7 by the end of practice.Next few practices were like intese conditioning but I

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