
Personal Narrative Essay: A Typical Marching Day

Decent Essays

It was mid-September but it was still 90 degrees. The blistering heat mixed with the 100% humidity and the approaching thunderstorm made for a typical marching day.We were in the band room. You know, the room where all the music nerds carry on. Where the tears of anger, pain, joy and happiness are shed. The room with the old musty, dirty, smell and the floor that is engulfed in everyone’s spit and dirt. The enter if you dare room.You know the one right? Everyone was getting their marching uniforms on. Pristine, clean, and ready for a miserable but yet heartwarming show. The freshman’s first band show and the seniors last. Thunder over Aurora band show is supposed to be like no other but the day was about to change. Our heavy metal halftime

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