
Personal Narrative Essay : A Funny Day At School

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I remember one incredibly funny day from last year. It was the day I fell through the glass display case at school. Boy, I tell you that sucked so bad. I know for a fact I’ll never live it down. I’m known for being pretty accident prone so it was no surprise to people when they found out I was the one who had left the blood stain in the hallway. I was walking back from lunch with my friend Matt, we were telling each other jokes about dead babies. I looked over and saw my little brother, I turned to Matt and said “watch this” then I ran up to my brother and tried to do a jumping high five. He didn’t think I was trying to high five him he thought I was trying to hit him. Out of instinct he pushed me away and I fell backwards, I landed and pivoted on the ball of my left foot. I thought I had gotten away safe and clear, I went to take a step and BAM! I had been tripped by my own untied shoelace, betrayed by my own apparel. I fell backwards and expected to hit lockers, unfortunately it wasn’t lockers or even a door. I had crashed into the glass display case, oh the utter humility. I hit the ground and leaned up on one arm, I was fine, not a scratch. Mrs. Wright come running up in total mom mode “ Oh my God, are you alright, AHH, don’t move!”. “ No it’s okay I can get up, they are pretty big pieces, I can crawl around them”. “ No sweety don’t get up”. I looked at her and asked “ Mrs. Wright is there a piece in me?”. She gulped and said “Yes”. Total internal breakdown but I

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