
Personal Narrative: Drug Adoption

Decent Essays

Kenny, I wasn't sure how to approach you and decided writing a letter was most appropriate. I have wanted to contact you for some time now and have finally built up the courage to do so. Since the age of about eight years old I have known that I have a full biological brother that was put up for adoption at birth. (I overheard my mother speaking in another room of her experience of having to give her first baby up for adoption at his birth.) Being the shy child that I was, I never mentioned to my mother that I knew anything about it. As I got older my grandmother hinted several times about the subject. She & I were very close. Eventually, I confessed that I knew. Once everything was in the open, I was told that the adoption of my biological …show more content…

Once locating him, I decided to write a letter. It would allow me to get my clear motive on paper, and allow him time to consider how to respond. The initial shock of finding him, wasn’t necessarily the part of the experience that propelled me into a confounded state of dilemma. Finding him in prison and learning of his history of drug addiction was the dynamic that activated utter disheartenment. I can vividly remember exactly where I was when I found out that the biological brother, that I had been searching for, was in prison for drugs; for the fifth time. My heart sunk into my stomach. I had a knot in my throat. I was devastated. My mind began to …show more content…

My methods of self care include: 1. Living my value system. I have a value system by which I live my life. I strive to implement biblical principles to life’s circumstances. 2. I write down my goals. I write down both my long term and short term goals and pray over them. Reflection over my goals enables me to organize my thoughts, envision them and execute them. 3. My choices are not made to impress others. I strive towards authenticity. 4. I seek mentors. I spend time with people who challenge me intellectually, which create opportunity for accountability and stimulates opportunity to receive constructive criticism. 5. Maintaining my physical health is my hobby. I keep my body healthy by working out at least 5 days per week. I consistently fuel myself with proper nutrition that my body needs to work properly and boost my immune system. 6. I am self forgiving. I use a mistake as an instructive tool and as motivation towards achievement given another opportunity. 7. I mentor others. I extend myself and my experiences with transparency, in hopes that my struggles can be a testament of perseverance and God’s ability to prove himself in the midst of life’s unfavorable

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