
What Is Benjamin Franklin's Self-Improvement Project

Decent Essays

Self Improvement Project: The Benjamin Franklin Style
Is perfection really possible? Is it something we strive for to be? That was what benjamin Franklin was asking himself when he started his self improvement project. He learned that you couldn’t reach perfection but you can reach for contentedness with yourself. I tried out his project for myself to see if I could also use his process to improve two of my characteristics. His process was for the first two weeks work on each characteristic individually and for the final week work on each together. He kept track of his progress by keeping a chart and making a mark on each day if me messed up. The two characteristic I chose to improve were self care, and standing up for myself. This goal …show more content…

This was something that I have been struggling with since I was little. Self care is not just a physical thing but a emotional and mental thing as well. Physically I have had problems remembering to eat and drink. I get too caught up in stress and stuff from school and family that I completely forget to eat. Emotionally and mentally I worked on trying to not overwhelm myself with things that I could not control in my life. So for the first week I tried to make sure that I had all 3 meals and not to over stress myself. It was hard to start changing. I have to say the first couple of days I totally forgot about my goals. After that I had to constantly remind myself of my goal. it was very beneficial and nice to have retreat over my first week. The talks that were given and the activities we did were very beneficial and informative. Some of the talks actually showed me that I was not alone in my actions and that their were ways to fix it. I didn’t realize until that weekend that my original thought of self care being physical, mental and emotional was not totally true. There was a part that I didn't realize was missing: my spiritual self care. I was so over stressed and neglecting myself that I was neglecting my faith and God himself. I learned through retreat that a way to improve myself care was to give up my stress and worries to Jesus on the cross. Though the first week and characteristics went sort of …show more content…

The third week was the time when I combined what I had learned in the first two weeks together and see how it affected my life. It was hard at first to remind myself of what I was doing wrong. There were still times during the week that I would over stress, forget to eat a meal, or not stand up for myself. Even though the third week as past I am still trying to work on these characteristics.
In conclusion I worked hard each week trying to improve these characteristics of self care and standing up for myself. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I thought it would be something that I could easily fix in three weeks, but I was wrong it's hard to break old habits. Still, I will continue to strive toward self content through the ways of Benjamin Franklin and maybe some of my own ways. Over all I can see an improvement that is obvious in the charts that I kept but I still have not become content with those

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