
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

Losing two of my best friends within six months of each other was one of the hardest things I have had to do. They were a major part of my life for almost 17 years, before they left. Through this experience, I learned to be an example of kindness, hard work, and diligence for those around me. My two older sisters have always been an inspiration to me in several different ways. They were both kind and caring to everyone they came in contact with. This left an impression on me that has lasted over a year now. When they departed, a year ago, I noticed the absence of love in my life. I felt as if everything around me was empty and secluded, and noticed it in others as well. Feeling that way caused me to take action and I now try my best to fill in the empty space for others. I do my best to listen and help everybody that I come in contact with. I keep a warm smile on my face because I know from experience with my role model sisters that this small, almost unnoticeable act, can change the whole attitude of a day. Learning to be kind has come to be a positive force in my life since they left. …show more content…

Attempting this has taught me to work hard at the things that make me happiest. Personally, working hard to make others happy is what brings me the most joy. But along with helping others, I have learned to help myself work through my own problems. This can be academically, physically, or even spiritually. Since their departure, I have worked harder to keep my grades up because I want them to be proud of me when they come home. The negative experience of them leaving me has turned into a positive personal motivation, to put in hard work and do my best all the

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