
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

Did you know that the idea of New Year’s Resolutions came from the ancient Babylonians, around 4000 years ago. They actually celebrated it around May, when crops were planted, they made offerings to the gods, promising to pay off debts and things such as. This was also a way to show loyalty to the king and the gods. Today this tradition, although changed, still continues. With over 78 percent of Americans celebrating it, a lot of resolutions are made. Some of my own include training Spanky, fixing my truck, and getting my driver's license. Since training a horse takes a while, I've made it one of my resolutions to get my horse, Spanky, back into barrel racing. Spanky is a mare, which means a female, and her breed is an American quarter horse. Spanky is a true black, which means that she is a pure black horse. She used to barrel race a few years back, but was slowly brought out of it in order to be a horse for Freedom Riders, which is a non-profit organization dedicated to letting disabled people ride horses. Since she has been out of it for so long, she is going to need a bit of training to get her back into it. …show more content…

My brother had inherited this truck from my great grandfather, who used to own a garage in Utah. The truck was missing its engine and gas tanks, we assume that they were stolen. My sister had a truck of the same make and model that she crashed, so we have salvaged the engine and hope to find the gas tanks in good repair. I’m going to take apart the ending, and get new parts for it. I like to refer to it as my truck, since I'm the only one doing work on it, besides my grandpa and my

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