There are a few ways in which I have had to make adaptations in my daily life since coming to college. First, I have started setting multiple alarms before going to bed at night. When I still lived at home, my mom would always make sure I was awake in the mornings, so I never had to worry about getting up on my own. Since coming to college, I set a couple of different alarms every day, so I don’t oversleep and miss something important. Second, I have begun using headphones instead of letting things play out loud. I very rarely used headphones before, but the atmosphere here has required me to make this adaptation. Often times, my roommate is doing homework or I am in a loud environment, so in order to ensure that everyone can focus and I can
Nowadays, technology is an important tool used in so many different aspects of our life to help things like finance, navigation, and even food. With all of the advancements and ideas that the tech industry is making, technology is now becoming more and more involved in the health and wellness aspects of our lives. Now Physical therapists are starting to go along with this trend and have been using more of the tools and applications that are being created to help with the rehabilitation of their patients. Some of the new technology that has been created are specific video games that have new workout routines, stretches, timers and diet suggestions for the Wii or X-Box Kinect. There are also new smartphone and smart watch apps with similar features
Rain drips down the waiting room window, it’s soothing pitter patter putting me into a trance. Drip drop, drip drop, and just for a moment, I relax. Today is the day that determines how my family’s life is going to go from here on out. A few tests will tell us whether or not I would get to keep my mother in my life or if she would be taken away from me forever. She has been having pounding headaches everyday for the last few weeks, and she’s been having moments where her vision would completely disappear, leaving her blind for a few seconds if not a full minute. I know that whatever is happening isn’t good, but I really hope it’s not what I think it is.
“Will she ever be okay?” are the words that invested within me through every minute that passed. I could not help but think the world was falling in around me and nothing would relieve the pain. My daughter had something terribly wrong, and all I could do was sit and wonder the outcome of this horrific event. The world around me began to feel suffocating as if there was no way out. I brought this precious life into this world with the mindset that I could guard her from all the cruelty and darkness. My body grew weak with each thought that crept in my mind and I could feel the chills running down my back each time the doctor came with an update. Despite everything that could go wrong, I never stopped believing that with prayer I was not fighting
Remember, the perpetrator can create multiple diseases simultaneously to make the victim restless, angry, and loose cool. But I suffered through all these calmly; I know this is the only way to win. Winning is important because I take this as a game, and If I fail, then disappointed and angry. I am not expecting to win all the time, I am aware. Finally, I have to surrender. Now I am on the verge of defeat.
Did you know that the idea of New Year’s Resolutions came from the ancient Babylonians, around 4000 years ago. They actually celebrated it around May, when crops were planted, they made offerings to the gods, promising to pay off debts and things such as. This was also a way to show loyalty to the king and the gods. Today this tradition, although changed, still continues. With over 78 percent of Americans celebrating it, a lot of resolutions are made. Some of my own include training Spanky, fixing my truck, and getting my driver's license.
As I read this passage, the information provided was clearly stated. However, as I continued to read, it became confusing. I did not go back and reread the last several sentences. I was able to use my sustained attention to recall the information that was just read, which is an executive functioning process. But, I did note that the ants left a chemical trail, which they would use to find their way back home. The following sentence stated they did not have noses to use for smelling. Immediately, I had red flags go up that something was incorrect. These ants needed to have a way to follow the trail they left behind. In this case, I was using my working memory. I was recalling what I had read and applying what I know to the information
Growing up I had dealt with many medical issues, however, I never felt that they in any way hindered me from living my childhood to the fullest. I was still able to play sports and hang out with my friends. It was almost effortless to live my life as fast paced as any child would. However, a month before my seventeenth birthday I began to feel things slow down for the first time.
During Spring Quarter of freshman year, I lost a family member that was battling cancer for a while. My aunt was the closest person to me and she was the only mentor I had growing up. She encouraged and supported me through high school and the start of collage. This was one of the hardest times of my life. Her last few months took a huge toll on me because I had to juggle attending and focusing on my classes and spending nights at the hospital. My friend also passed away right before my freshman year spring quarter finals week from a car accident. It was too late for me to withdraw from any of my classes at the time but I knew that I did not have it in me to make it through the last week of school. I studied for my finals while we prepared
Sunday morning June 25, 2000, I went to church simply because I felt I should. I did not want to be there, but I had to go and fulfill my obligation. I stood at the beginning of praise, but after a few songs I sat down and placed my hands over my face. Anger and bitterness were swelling in me.
My journey to being fully natural has been a long, depressing, expensive and self-loving one. I’ve always had long, thick, glossy, off black hair that touched my shoulder blades until I let my cousin Erin and auntie Jeanette convince me to go natural in 2015.
The hospital became a very familiar place for me at the age of 19; as my mother went through all the necessary steps leading up to her operation, she was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor, although it was benign it was pressing on a major vessel blocking the proper flow of blood to her brain. As the doctors explained to us what needed to be done and that all the hard work would begin once the operation was over, I knew right then and there that my mother needed me now more than ever.
I learned a good lesson when my mom got a new boyfriend. Everyone seems to just know that your love one will have your back until they turn on you to please themselves. You never really realize that something is going to change up until the last minute. Even with your eyes open it never seems so real. On that I learned the bad it had become with trusting my own mom.
In 2011, I became divorced which was a substantial loss of income for me causing economic hardship for me to support my two kids. At the time of my divorce Malik was 16 years of age in the 11th grade, and my daughter Cyera 10 years of age in the 5th grade. Due to the divorce my daughter developed an anti-social behavior, and had to attend a child psychologist twice a week which was about $150 for each session for a year. My main focus was getting my daughter well, so she can cope within the classroom setting. Working for the City of Marietta my annual income was about $36,000. In 2011 I moved my kids to a townhome in 2012 the owner of the townhome foreclosed; in 2012 I moved again; 2013 I moved for the third time which put pressure on Malik and my daughter. Coming out of high school Malik didn’t have a whole lot of options, he heard of West Georgia Tech College from others hoping to try and earn a scholarship with their football program. He was not recruited by any JCs at all, he was looking forward to earning a scholarship with the new upcoming football program at West Ga Tech.
It was a normal Saturday night. My siblings and I were watching TV. I was nine, my older brother was twelve, and my younger sister was seven. My mom was cleaning up the kitchen like she usually does. My dad was on a trip with some of his friends to Baja California to ride motorcycles. We were expecting his nightly call checking up with us, and around 8 PM the phone rang. My mom answered the phone. It wasn’t my dad, it was his boss, Dale. It wasn’t until twenty minutes later when the phone call ended, she explained to us what happened. My dad had flipped over the handlebars of his motorcycle and was paralyzed from the neck down, and this occurred 12 hours earlier. Luckily his friends were all trained in basic first aid, and one was an EMT. All
Today is my first day of two weeks on a luxurious cruise around the Pacific islands for some much-needed relaxation. My parents decided it would be a great experience for the family to get together for both their fortieth anniversary and my twenty-eighth birthday. They planned every minute of every day with activities and sightseeing, it might be worth it since all food and drinks are free, but can I really survive two weeks with my family? I love them all so much, however, I would prefer to be alone and unwind without any hectic family events and possible drama. I need this vacation after the last couple weeks I’ve had. Apparently I’m going to die and my brain is filled with the endless possibilities of death. So a cruise should help me