I interviewed Apryl Patterson from Payless Shoe Stores. She is the Manager of the 11th Street location in Beaumont, Texas. She has been with the company for four years and Manager for 3 years. She supervises five associates at this location. Each associate performance is evaluated every month. The ranking is from one to five within the store and one to 60 in the district. The evaluations are on how well each associate’s conversion, sales, dollars per transaction, and units per transaction are for the month. If an associate is in the bottom two for two consecutive months they will be terminated. There is also an evaluation of the associate after they have been with the company for 12 months. This decides if they receive a pay raise or not.
Ms. Patterson believes that 12 months is enough time for a review because
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As I stated above the associate is evaluated on their sales, conversion, dollars per transaction, and units per transaction for each month and overall performance for the year. She does not particularly like giving performance appraisals because some associates do not take their appraisals lightly. In the past some associates have stormed out and even quit. On the other side evaluating good associates makes the process a breeze. With every associate, there is always room for improvement and she loves when an associate can take constructive criticism and it makes their overall performance better. Ms. Patterson stated that the trouble with working in retail is that many associates do not have prior job experience and with this being their first job it takes a longer time to reach the level of potential that is needed for Payless. Payless employees must be at least 18 years old making them high school to college age, and is
Speakers. However, I did feel some may have been there because they were famous, but nevertheless still gave insight to networking.
I have many important people in my life that support me in everything that I do, but a good friend of mine has always pushed me to do my best in every situation. Morgan Parcher is like an older sister to me. She helps me with anything imaginable, and is the image of what I want to be. I met Morgan through 4-H. It was my very first year in 4-H and it was her last year. My mom was quite vocal and crazy so Morgan took a liking to my mom. All the kids loved my mother. She was the crazy lady of 4-H. She thought of my mom as her own, and while my mom and her became close so did we. Since we met through 4-H, we both showed horses together and she saw a great potential in me. Morgan was an exceptional horsewoman and rider. She competed on the OIHA
I got the chance to interview a wonderful person, Ms. Breyonia Sterling. Breyonia resides here in Savannah, Ga and she is 18 years old. Her birthday is April 8th, which qualifies her to be an Aries. Breyonia Sterling is a wonderful person because she has an admirable personality, she is very success- driven, and has some unique favorites. I also learned while interviewing her that we have a lot in common.
This year, I have three superb friends. They inspire me to do by best at just about everything. Audrey is inspiring when it comes to Cross Country, something she’s not the best at. Katie motivating when it comes to my writing, and C.j. encourages me to do my best, and always learn more.
Waking up and realizing that today was the day, my body got packed with nerves, still wondering how my mom even got me on the show and why they wanted me. While I was putting on my clothes, I was trying to look professional, but looking back I would have chosen something different. I was wearing some boot cut jeans, a shirt with a purple cross that had a shawl connected to it, some ugly sneakers, and my hair was straightened. It was dark and chilly December morning, and myself and my parents took the 30 minute drive to the TV station. When my parents and I arrived we had to be checked in by security, as they were told to expect my arrival, for the early morning weather segment. I felt that I was going to pee my pants, but I was also excited. My mom was making me more nervous, “You
On April 26th,1999 I emerged into the world a happy baby given the name Bethany Gavin. I’m now in year 12 and I attend Cooks Hill Campus, Big Picture. My education began here in year 10 after leaving three years of home schooling and have grown as a student as the years have gone on.
Johnna Brown. The lovely mother of two, and the amazing wife any man would dream of, the best pet spoiler there is, and the perfect friend. That right there can say so much about someone without even knowing who they are. Johnna, my mother, is such a talented person. Along with this, she is also a mentor and therapist. Last, she devotes her every waking seconds to the ones she loves.
Patience is wearing thin , the shocking moment is almost here. Then a miracle happens! A beautiful brown eyed baby is born into this world.
Jane and I grew up in grade school together. She was in the class ahead of me, but her and I were still friends. My father was into politics and involved himself in whatever he could with Jane's dad. Since our fathers were away quite often, we would spend a lot of time together. Since Jane didn't have a mother, my mother would often include Jane in whatever my sisters and I were doing. We would have great talks together talking about what we wanted to do when we grew up. Even though neither one of us knew what we wanted to do, Jane was someone that always had the biggest heart for helping people. She was always talking about the stories her father told her about President Lincoln, and even though she didn't know how, she knew she wanted to be someone to make change like he did.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Ms. Yvonne Dill who attended UIC (University in Chicago) at the age of 16, which she is extremely proud to say. “I loved it because it was close to my home, and although I was close, I was still able to be independent and live on my own. I did graduate from that school in 4 years.” I am also close to home and I enjoy my independence as well. The only difference between she and I is the fact that I did not attend college at age 16. During her first few weeks as a freshman she admits, “I was not nervous, and I felt as if I was where I belonged. I adjusted very easily, and quickly. Three of my cousins (all two years older than me, two of which are twins) also attended the school, which made the transition very
Mr. Hartley urged me to create an evaluation system that was specific to the position of dealer. The evaluation process consisted of a weighted survey given to a floor supervisor to complete. The questions on the survey were directed at the three skill sets required of a dealer (technical skills, language skills, and social skills). Survey questions that were based on an important skill were worth more than questions about less desirable skills. Each new hire would be evaluated by three supervisors, and the evaluations would be averaged together to reach a final evaluation score. Three supervisors were required in an effort to mitigate any personal bias on the part of the floor supervisor. I told Mr. Hartley that the process would first need to be tested on current dealers to work out any issues related to the weight and wording of the questions. I then had 32 current dealers evaluated by supervisors (96 total surveys). This process accounted for much of the unpaid overtime I performed from September of 2015 to December of 2016.
tries to focus on a pay-for-performance appraisal. Below is Georgia Crown Distributing Co.’s Performance Evaluation/Review that each employee receives. Employees will have the option to any concerns they have, if they do not feel the evaluation was properly performed. Employee satisfaction is extremely important within the organization, so it is crucial every employee feels they are benefiting Georgia Crown Distributing Co., by being employed with the company. There is positive and significant correlation between job satisfaction and motivation to employee
La Vita Compounding Pharmacy’s appraisals were simple to understand. Managers and supervisors would rate the employee on every key component, such as communication skills, on a one to five scales. When employees were given their rating, the managers would then proceed to write down additional comments on what they think they excel at and what areas need to be improved. As of right now, La Vita Compounding Pharmacy is going through the process of removing the rating systems, and just simply talking to their employee more than once or twice a year. By removing the rating system, La Vita is hoping to develop people faster. It’s clear that without performance appraisals employees will never know where they need improvement, and without them, they
On the other hand, poor performance, or mediocre performance may lead to negative appraisals and consequences, including job termination or withholding of bonuses, awards, and promotions. Performance appraisals are a systemic means of ensuring quality of work performance, and thus achieving the strategic objectives and advancing the goals of the organization. These performance appraisals, in order to be effective, must be applied in a uniform, objective, fair and consistent manner over time. In addition, the expectations of the performance appraisal must be clearly understood and agreed upon by the supervisor and the employee. Objectivity and fairness in the appraisal system build trust in the organization as well as high morale among employees.
Activity #3This activity involved performance reviews and how the employees felt that they were not being appraised fairly. It was apparent that there was no formal structured appraisal system in place which contributed to this problem. The need in defining four outcomes of the appraisal system will resolve this issue while remaining within company policy.