
Personal Narrative: An Interview With Apryl Patterson

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I interviewed Apryl Patterson from Payless Shoe Stores. She is the Manager of the 11th Street location in Beaumont, Texas. She has been with the company for four years and Manager for 3 years. She supervises five associates at this location. Each associate performance is evaluated every month. The ranking is from one to five within the store and one to 60 in the district. The evaluations are on how well each associate’s conversion, sales, dollars per transaction, and units per transaction are for the month. If an associate is in the bottom two for two consecutive months they will be terminated. There is also an evaluation of the associate after they have been with the company for 12 months. This decides if they receive a pay raise or not.
Ms. Patterson believes that 12 months is enough time for a review because …show more content…

As I stated above the associate is evaluated on their sales, conversion, dollars per transaction, and units per transaction for each month and overall performance for the year. She does not particularly like giving performance appraisals because some associates do not take their appraisals lightly. In the past some associates have stormed out and even quit. On the other side evaluating good associates makes the process a breeze. With every associate, there is always room for improvement and she loves when an associate can take constructive criticism and it makes their overall performance better. Ms. Patterson stated that the trouble with working in retail is that many associates do not have prior job experience and with this being their first job it takes a longer time to reach the level of potential that is needed for Payless. Payless employees must be at least 18 years old making them high school to college age, and is

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