
Personal Narrative: An Interview With A Soldier In Vietnam

Decent Essays

In order to progress in this analysis, I decided to interview an individual who has remained next to me throughout my entire life; someone who ardently encouraged me through periods of excel and stagnation. There was, in reality, only one person who I strived to speak to: my mother. Before commencing this discussion, I anticipated numerous astounding facts about her; my mother rarely talked about her years in Vietnam - presumably due to the Vietnam War and its chaotic nature. Therefore, late Friday when twilight was approaching, I interviewed my mother and received some peculiar information, which disclosed fragments of her life. It became apparent that my mother strived to become a schoolteacher or an architect; however, due to the war, she could not continue …show more content…

Furthermore, my mother apprehended the numerous elements, which arises as a hindrance for her. Foremostly, there will be other strangers who also strive to escape Vietnam; my mother was pessimistic whether these strangers would do anything to harm her on the boat. Besides this conflict, my mother feared that the ship might be seized by pirates who roamed the South China Sea, or she dreaded that the boat might sink from bad weather or by the pirates themselves. Additionally, the pirates might capture everyone as slaves to traffick humans; however, the worse scenario would be that the pirates trade these refugees back to the Vietnamese government to serve a punishment. All of these aspects represented the innumerable quantity of trepidations my mother developed about defeat or simply death. Therefore, my mother was not astonished when her first escape attempt failed: the boat consumed all of the desperate people’s money and called the authorities to imprison all the

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