
Personal Narrative: A Life Long Mentor

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A Life Long Mentor As a Venezuelan international student, sharing my voice in English has been a challenge. When I first came to the Community College of Aurora, fear clearly affected my learning process and social life. As I struggled with the language barrier, I received a call from the school to attend a Student Government meeting, where I first met Kathryn Sturtevant. Since then, she strived to discover and understand my professional and personal goals and has pushed me to overcome challenges that have shaped me as a better human being. As advisor of the Student Government Association in which I am Vice-President, Kathryn has incorporated a variety of trainings such as Strengths Quest and True Colors that are meaningfully aimed to improve and empower not only myself but …show more content…

As a supervisor, Kathryn has offered me innumerable opportunities for me to succeed as a student pursuing a psychology degree with a positive focus, and as an employee that endeavors to purposefully contribute to the Student Life team. As I continue working and growing at my workplace, Kathryn invited me to join her and a graduate assistant to create a leadership program for all CCA students. The process of planning this initiative has allowed me to discover and understand critical concepts such as leadership, social justice, equity, multiculturalism and inclusive excellence that have greatly and positively affected my life as a whole. Since being part of the committee for the leadership program, I have improved my professional and personal relationships; I have been part of many events and activities that promote equity and social justice; I have improve my organizational skills, I have continued my strong interest for ethnic and women’s literature that has helped me excel in my

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