
Personal Narrative: A Career In Early College

Decent Essays

As a junior in Early College I would more or less consider this my second year, as I have been taking college classes for three years now. However, I can still identify an issue I am facing with my courses. As I am trying to graduate a five year program in only four years, I have taken on a lot of responsibility as a 16 year old. I am currently taking 6 courses this semester, and I will have to take five courses every other semester to graduate on time. As I thought this would be a busy course load for me, I ended up quitting my job because they could not comply with the hours I requested due to school. I completely regret this, as I now have to work at a job that I am not making much money at and I have even had to take on some side jobs just to be able to pay my insurance on time. Sometimes, people make decisions that they think will better them and make life easier, but they make these decisions without careful consideration and at least trying the circumstance before changing everything. I now have to work twice as hard with my job and I am cleaning houses on the side just to be able to make my insurance payments. As I go into my next semester, I am worried that if I take on another job I won’t be able to handle it. On the …show more content…

I know how hard I am working right now to be able to make the money that I need to, so now I just need to find out what it will be like with two official jobs along with my course load next semester. I will contact my old boss, and let him know that I would like to continue working and end my school break. Thankfully, I left on good terms so I am not very worried about not getting my job back. Once I have my other serving job back, I can determine which option is best for me and my academic career. I made more money at my old job than I do now, so I think it would be easier for me to work as a server during the week and as a hostess at my other job on the

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