
Personal Narrative: A Career As An Adult Services Librarian

Decent Essays

When I grow up I want to be a librarian. I interviewed a woman named Jez Layman. She is an Adult Services Librarian at Indian Prairie Public Library in Darien, Illinois. Indian Prairie Public Library is a mid-size library in the Chicago suburbs. She works part-time, 26 hours a week. 8 hour shifts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; and a 4 hour shift on Tuesdays. On the side she runs 2 blogs: one about her job working at a library and one where she gives life advice to teenagers and young adults about growing up. As a librarian Jez said she spends most of her time at an “Ask us” desk. She helps people find books, helping them find a book with some information they are looking for, and recommending books to people. She's also responsible for

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