
Personal Experience : My Personal Reflection

Decent Essays

I consider my personal level of competence I had when I started this course was one of awareness and inexperience. In other words, I was aware of the cultural inequities that surround me and the field in which I work. As this course moved forward from week to week, I paralleled the reading material with my work experiences. It should be noted that I have little diversity in my caseload as far as race. However, I do have diversity in my caseload to do with life circumstances. These circumstances include; substance abuse and misuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, domestic violence, medical neglect, and educational neglect. I refer to these as circumstances that are not prejudice to any race. I have clients on my caseload that consist …show more content…

I was challenged to understand the seemingly unending fight of racism and how racism is spread. This class seemed appropriately placed in life as the world around us gave us extraordinary real experiences to digest and learn from. I would love to can understand and feel what it is like to be in someone’s else shoes. To truly understand what it is like to not have white privilege. If I could do research I would be interested in what makes someone racist? Is racism learned or is someone born a racist? This class assisted in some of that understanding, but I will always have more to learn. I have always been drawn to other that are different than myself. I find that I to, am drawn to clients that are different than myself. It is from others that I can learn the richness of a culture that I am not familiar with. Although, I do see how my strong personality needs to be adjusted when working with cultures that do not recognize strong women. I do not feel it is or would be difficult to work with any culture. I do struggle with some of the clients that I work with that have a background of sexual abuse or child abuse. There are times when I take time to step back and breathe prior to meeting a client. This allows me time to put my “caseworker hat on” and remove my “mom hat”. There are times when that is quite difficult. It is a struggle that at times has physically made me nauseous. To learn more about the populations I

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