
Personal Experience: Discourse Community Analysis

Decent Essays

A discourse community where I was an outsider was the gamers discourse community. I am still in this discourse community to this day. This discourse community is for people who play video games/know video games/like video games anything to do with video games. The circumstances that made it desirable for me to join this discourse community was I liked to play video games and it seemed like the community was very open so I thought it would be good to join and branch out in this discourse community. In the beginning when I joined it didn’t feel like I had joined a discourse community because I felt like an outsider right away so that’s what partly affected me not feeling like I was in a discourse community. When I first joined the discourse community …show more content…

In a way, I felt like I wasn’t accepted into the discourse community that’s what made it challenging for me. For example, when I would be playing online and I would want to play with other people they would always not want to join in my game because they would automatically assume I was bad because I am a girl so that’s what made it difficult about the experience. The changes that the experience brought about is it made me gain some confidence to say yes, I was a girl playing video games it made me feel unique in a way to be a girl is a gamer. Five unique language elements that are used in this community is GG which means good game, WP is well played, GL is good luck, GR is good round, Ez as in easy. These terms are used to tell someone that it was a good game or to tell someone that the game is easy therefore implying that they are bad at games. They are used to help other players know what they are talking about without typing out a massive thing so that they can get back to the game right away. These words are a more convenient way to say things. I came to learn these phrases by just being in the community and catching along to what the words meant by what everyone

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