• Do you agree with the results of your Work Culture Preferences activity? Does it match with what you considered your ideal work culture?
Yes, I agree with the results of my Work Culture Preferences activity. The result matches with my considered ideal wok culture. My result was being High powered, and teamwork centered, and expert. I agree with being High powered because I like to try different jobs and learning new skills. These skills will help me become more competitive in a demanding job market. Most demanding jobs are teamwork centered and require being in the creative atmosphere. I’m glad that I received this result to see my strong points in the work culture. This will help me what to expect in a career that I’m looking
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Thinking through problem carefully and research options to find the one that will fulfill my duties. My values are to make sure my actions are good for the community as a whole.
• How do personal ethics play a role in academics? How might they play a role in the workplace?
Personal ethics play a role in academics by setting an atmosphere of truthfulness and trust. This help to ensure every decision we make is one that upholds values. They are the decision that make and must continue to lure of the easy way out, by making ourselves better. Personal ethics also play a role in workplace by keeping our work or ideas original to us. This challenges corporation to translate their mission statement into every employee. Leading corporation to higher performance for business and society. In addition, promote employee and customer trustworthy relation for truthful business and services to the company.
• What connection is there to your ethical perspective and your ideal work culture?
The connection within my ethical perspective and work culture is they both require fairness and equality in both. The support of each other as a team benefits and the success of the workplace. It would also increase the want to be at the workplace and part of the team. Creating an environment that encourages people to express opinions and creative atmosphere. These connections promote unity for subordinate, co-worker, and supervisors to work and focus on task at hand.
Change in culture and approach: culture should be supportive for team work and participative management practices. There should be ethnocentric perspective involved for considering the needs of customers. Dynamic and flexible culture should be formulated and employees should have collectivist approach than individual approach that is aligned towards achieving organizational goals. Attitude survey of
Personal ethics is the generally accepted principles or practices of right and wrong governing the conduct of individuals. To be simple, personal ethnic is the internal guide that tells us what is right and wrong. They drive our actions and emotions on o daily basis. Some people may be appearing similar set of personal ethics, but some people may have completely different sets. There are five major influences of personal ethics are: family influences (people), religious beliefs (religion), culture, experience (law), and internal personal reelection (philosophy). On the other
I like to think I see the world as a place with many different people who all have something to offer. When reading the article List of the Five Dimensions of Culture & How Each Affect Employee Behavior by Marilyn Lindblad, I agreed with all five dimensions in the article. I have experienced the power distance dimension before in the workplace. I have felt that I am only there to do the work no one else wants to do and my opinion does not matter. I also have experienced the individualism approach in the work place and believe that I am a collectivist employee that is dedicated to the organization that I work for. The company that I currently work for has a feminine culture and truly does care about their employees. I believe everyone
One of the great challenges encountered in relation to organizational ethics is that of individual ethical values. Individual factors are essential in the resolution of ethical issues of concern.
When I was fairly young, I tended to see ethics in black-and-white terms: everything was either wrong or right. When I entered the world of business, however, I began to understand that behaving in an ethical fashion is a continual challenge, given the different obligations one is subjected to on a daily basis. For example, what if my boss, to whom I have an obligation, asks me to perform an unethical action as part of my job? What if I am asked to bend the rules for a client? A worker must have a strong sense of his or her character and personal values, and those of the larger organization as a whole, to respond effectively to these ethical challenges. I have seen examples of this phenomenon both in private, for-profit organizations, where I began my working career, and also in government service, the arena in which I have worked for fourteen years.
In the workplace as well as one’s personal life is essential for ethics to be maintained; often taking the right action is not always the most popular choice. It is important for maintaining an upstanding ethical code of conduct to be a productive individual as well as function as an employee in the workplace.
In today's world, individuals can make a single decision that can have a profoundly positive or negative affect on their family, their employer, coworkers, a nation, and even on the entire world. The life we lead reflects the strength of a single trait: our personal character. Personal ethics are different for each person but for the most part, people want to be known as a good person, someone who can be trusted, and he or she are concerned about his or her relationships and personal reputations. As we go through this paper, we will focus on answering what are ethics, what are your ethics, where do your ethics come from, and how do you manifest your ethics?
From the results, I learnt that I do not have a strong preference for any particular organisational structure or culture. This was not a surprise to me as I discovered from my experience in multiple corporations that most combinations of organisational structure and culture can be successful given effective leadership. However, I did notice a similar trait in all the effective leaders that I have worked with. They all possess excellent interpersonal skills that enable them to understand their followers’ sources of motivation to work. From a cultural perspective, I believe that this is my biggest challenge to assimilate which is why this concept became my chosen area of research.
Ethics in the workplace help the organization to grow and prosper. They bring about leadership, work culture and literacy. Ethic are beliefs about what’s right or wrong and good or bad based on individual’s values and morals, plus a behavior social context. Ethical behavior conforms to individual beliefs and social norms about what’s right and good. Unethical behavior conforms to individual beliefs and social norms about what’s wrong or bad. Business ethics refers to ethical or unethical behavior by employees in the context of their jobs.
Culture can be use to shape individual or group behaviour as it is shared among the members in the organisation (Olusoji et al. 2012). For example, companies set the culture of smiling while working may indirectly became a habit to the employees after doing it repetitively.
Ethics is the application of one’s personal beliefs and the impact on how a person makes decisions regarding the relationships involving a company. The most common agents that involve a person’s decisions are owners, employees, customers, clients,
Ethical behaviour is what all career people should aim to have. Not just the ethical attribute but exceptional behaviour with this regard.this is because in order to build a career, one must be governed by the rules of ethics to safeguard oneself and others. Ethics are essential in the workplace because a tough ethical code provides a non-threatening environment with high
It is the responsibility of everyone in the workplace to make decisions on how they treat others in the workplace. In all these decisions, the relationship between the employees, the employees and their employers, and the employees and the organization have to be well maintained. When ethical decisions are made in the workplace, then employees can guarantee that the returns produced for their shareholders are both high and long-term. Factors such as concern and care for employees, and fairness at work all ensure that employees are highly committed to their work (Vickers, 2010). The employer should therefore strive to ensure that all these factors are incorporated in the workplace by creating an ethical work environment.
Professor Geert Hofstede’s study looked at six dimensions of national culture to determine values in the workplace. The six dimensions are, Power Distance Index, Individualism vs Collectivism, Masculinity vs Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance Index, Long Term Orientation vs Short Term Normative Orientation, and Indulgence versus
We all have personal ethical values which guide us between right and wrong in our daily life’s when dealing with ethical dilemmas. Similarly, in an organization the approach taken is to institute a set ethics set of rules to prevent or control ethical lapses by employees. The big difference between personal and organizational ethical values is that in an organization it is predefined by leadership, and in our personal life its constantly developing and changing. For me, my family and faith plays a profound role in who I am as an ethical person, and the development of my core values. While growing up, my parents always emphasized on thinking about what are the consequences of my actions on others, so that I could develop self-awareness. Also, growing up in a religious Sikh family, I was tough the importance of doing Selfless Service “Sava” so that I always stay grounded and develop thoughtfulness towards others. Today as I grow older, I will admit that my personal ethics are still being developed and shaped, but there are a set of core values that been engraved in me by my past experiences. They are: equality, honesty, self-awareness, and thoughtfulness.