Development Plan Template: Name: X.Y.Z Supervisor: A.B.C Validity: 2015 to 2016 Development Goals Objectives Target Date Communication Skill improvement External Training In-house presentation on different topics End of June,2016 Understanding of Budget Learn with finance team Prepare budget sheet End of June,2016 3.2: Use suitable methods to assess the outcomes of a personal development plan against personal work objectives. It is necessary that each development goals need to monitor periodically and evaluate the outcomes and hindrance. Sometimes, it is difficult to achieve the development goals thatswhy individual has responsibility to review the development goals
2.1 Evaluate prior learning and work-related experience to identify personal strength and weaknesses in self-development.
In order to prioritise goals and targets for my own professional development, I look at the influences that have helped me to develop my performance so far and look at what my training has taught me and how it’s reflected in my work. I examine my strengths and weaknesses honestly and try to think about the way I practice in a constructive way. I have to evaluate myself by asking;
Bi Design a template for a personal development plan (PDP) that you could use to improve
Assessment Principles. Learning outcomes 2, 3, 4 and 5 must be assessed in the work
Part 2: By completing this unit, you should now be able to plan for the resources required for personal professional development (Learning Outcome 2)
In Sharon Olds The Summer-Camp Bus Pulls Away from the Curb she states “With a pencil and two Hardy Boys and a peanut butter sandwich and grapes he is on his way, there is nothing more we can do for him” the narrator is sending her son off with what she thinks he will need not only for summer camp but for life.
A career in social work or human services is similar in the duties and type of work environment. Both of these positions require a desire to help others in many ways. Human Services Assistants may help clients with special needs obtain the services that will help them to develop and improve their situation. Social workers are considered human services workers, only they typically perform more hands-on duties with clients (BLS, 2012a). A career in social and human services is a rewarding choice for those who have a strong desire to help others in need and who have a strong sense of community.
“I was beginning to learn that your life is a story told about you, not one that you tell.”
The following chart shows my personal development plan for next year. In the skills and attributes, the skills which are already present or not present are listed down. In the next two columns, the status of these skills is represented which depicts whether these skills are present, needs to be improved or to be learned. In these columns, the status has been written and the score from 1 to 4 is given to these skills depicting the level of particular skill and its relative importance in the next year. In this manner, the score represents what is the degree of the skill present in me and how much efforts is required in order to improve this skill.
The purpose of this professional development plan is to introduce my counselor identity, my plans for professional development, my clinical and academic training schedule and finally my plans for credentialing in the State of Maryland. I am currently seeking an MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with an anticipated graduation date of May, 2020. This professional development plan was written on September 27, 2017.
World leaders came together in 2000 and made a commitment to assessable progress (The Millennium Development Goals report 2008, p.3). They committed to reduce poverty in under developed counties by 2015 (The Millennium Development Goals report 2008, p.3).The Millennium Declaration was a statement of commitment in humanity (United Nation 2010). These are eight goals, which are measurable and have a timetable. The goals address the reduction of poverty, education, gender equality, reduction of child mortality, maternal health, combat HIV-AIDS and other diseases, sustainability of the environment, and development of a global partnership (United Nation 2010). Along with the eight goals, 20 specific targets are set out for achieving the MDGs (The Millennium Development Goals report 2008, p.4). Monitoring is based on 60 indicators formulated to measure the 20 targets (The Millennium Development Goals report 2008, p.4). MDGs are essential to all nations of the world, for we live to improve the quality of life (The Millennium Development Goals report 2008, p.4).
Coming up with development goals to, facilitate growth. Growth is an important aspect that determines the progress of an organization and how completive it should be.
My selected mentor is Jerry Martin RN, BSN. He is a co-worker that has inspired me to return to school and that any dream is obtainable. Jerry has a degree in biology and was working as a ward clerk in our ER when I met him. He has a degree in biology and worked in finance before working at the hospital. Jerry states” I was unhappy with my career in finance and I realized I had drifted a long way from my education and my core belief. During a conference a guest speaker said “true happiness is found when you find the one thing you would do in life even if you did not get paid for it”. That was my “aha” moment.” G.M. Martin (personal communication, September 3,2013) Jerry entered nursing school in 2006 and graduated with a BSN in 2011. He is currently working toward a MSN and striving to be a FNP. He is a great nurse and it is a privilege to have him as a co-worker and my mentor.
To manage the business, one must have a good experience and relevant qualification. The right qualification one must have is an MBA in order to have the right understanding and knowledge you must require. And experience is one thing that will come after a good investment of time in learning and development (miller, 2011).
As of the 2015, while the attainment of the goals remain dubious and doubtful much progress has been made by very few countries, while others are still straggling as empty promises of a better tomorrow (Bartlett, 2017, p.1).