
Person My Love : My Story Of The Person I Love

Decent Essays

Person I Love

So usually people start off these stories or memories with something special to them or a little saying that is special to them or the person they’re talking about. All I can say though about this person is that they’re the most special person in my life by far and they’ve gone through the most crap in my life alone! You probably aren’t looking for a life story though so I’ll tell you about one specific time dear to my heart still to this day and even though I don’t show my love to her, I’m still grateful of her to this day for what she tried to do for me! You’re also probably still wondering who the heck this person is, this person is none other than Lindsey Faga, my mother.
It was back in 8th grade summer going into freshman year and it was a Wednesday afternoon, sunny and partially cloudy, for some reason I decided to stay home that day and just be lazy. Little did I know that, that would be the biggest mistake of my life! So I woke up around 10 am in the morning, usual time I woke up around during summer and afterwards I got out of bed and played some video games, watched a little bit of netflix and after all that I decided to go eat some breakfast. So I go downstairs and I see my three little brothers playing and ask them if they want to play with me after I finish eating, they scream and start getting excited because I rarely ever play with them.
I eat some breakfast then they see I’m done and start jumping on me because they all want a piggyback

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