
Perseus Research Paper

Decent Essays

My favourite constellation is Perseus. Perseus is named after a Greek mythological hero of the same name. I like Perseus as the main character of one of my favourite muggle books series, ‘Percy Jackson & the Olympians’, is named after the Greek hero, Perseus, as well. Percy Weasley, who was from Hogwarts many years ago, was also probably named after Perseus. Perseus, the constellation, is located in the northern sky. It is best visible at 9pm in December, which is coincidently my favourite month of the year. According to the myth, the legendary Greek hero, Perseus, was a very brave person. He managed to behead Medusa. I am sure he would have been sorted into Gryffindor if he was a wizard and came to Hogwarts. Perseus, who was the son of Zeus and Danaë, was given a sword and a …show more content…

Perseus did not know that Oliver was a wizard until he accidentally saw Oliver’s Hogwarts enrolment letter hidden in his drawer. Perseus got angry; he could not believe that his cousin would hide such a big secret from him! Oliver was afraid of what Perseus was about to do and he rode on his broomstick, trying to get as far away from Perseus as possible. Perseus tried to chase after him on his Pegasus, but he got lost. He landed nearby to what seemed like a farm. While he was searching for someone who could help him, Perseus was suddenly attacked by about a dozen flying creatures, not unlike hummingbirds. He tried to swipe at them with his arms, but they would not stop attacking him. Even his Pegasus could not stop them. Then, Perseus heard a sharp hoot and the creatures stopped attacking him all of a sudden. Perseus turned around and saw an owl flying towards him. The owl had saved his life! Perseus saw that the owl had a piece of parchment in its claws and retrieved it. It was an apology letter from Oliver. Perseus swore not to be angry with Oliver over such a small thing again and all was

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