
Theseus And Perseus Research Paper

Decent Essays

In Greek myth, there are many demi- gods who become a hero during their journey to achieve their goal. A hero is a person who shows courage when faced with a problem. In the three stories, Theseus, Perseus, and Hercules, there have the best example of a hero and the worst example of a hero. Each of them has its advantage and its weakness. In the three stories, Hercules is the best and Perseus is the worst example of a hero.
Hercules is the best example of a hero because he didn’t start the journey for other, but for not being called a monster and wants to be forgiven. For example, Hercules kills the two snakes that Hera sends to kill him and his mother. This shows the powerful strength that Hercules had and to be powerful is a trait of a hero. …show more content…

For example, Hercules becomes impatient, so he kills his music teacher by the lyre. This shows Hercules has no patience and because of his impatience, people died. Another example is, “I saw her shadow, the shadow of Hera, my anger exploded. I struck out at my host, but his son stood between us. I was sorry before the boy's body hit the ground, but it was too late.” This shows Hercules can't control his anger and its affects him being trick by Hera. All of these evidences prove Hercules is not the best example of a hero, but he always faces his mistake, his weakness and trying to fix it. Hercules is still the best example of a hero because whatever how he was tricked by Hera, he do everything he can to fix the problem. Perseus is the worst example of a hero because he only does things that are good for him. When he came back from his trip; he takes Andromeda back by forcing Andromeda's parents. This shows Perseus was greedy because he take what he want, even if the owner didn't want to give it to him. Another example is Perseus turn all the people in the castle into stone, except his mother. This shows Perseus is cold-blood because he turns the irrelevant people into stone. Perseus is greedy, even though he was a

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