
Performance Appraisals: The Hiwassee Boys Soccer Team

Decent Essays

Performance appraisals are used to monitor a person’s performance or ability on how they do their job at work or even on a sports team. “The performance appraisal should be based on the specific tasks the employee accomplishes or fails to accomplish, and where appropriate, the behaviors identified as necessary to perform the job during the rating period. Thus the rating technique, or combination of techniques, used by the organization should provide a measurement of the employee's job performance that is as accurate as possible” (Martin, Bartol). In our fieldwork assignment we watched the Hiwassee boys soccer team play. We each picked one individual, who will remain unidentified, and graded them on the following: fitness level, coach ability, work ethics, sportsmanship, communication, leadership, sport specific athletic ability, and commitment to excellence. The Hiwassee athlete I observed, who will be referred to as “tiger”, scored high in all categories. In the categories tiger scored according to the following, fitness level, a 4 (which is above average ability), coach ability a 3 (average ability), work ethics a 4 (above average), sportsmanship a 5 (Excellent), communication a 3 (average ability), leadership a 3 (average ability), …show more content…

Even though tiger had good scores and played a good game there is always room for improvement. When your scores are high you should still want to take your lowest score and improve it so all your scores are to the best of your ability. In conclusion I believe performance appraisals can be very effective. When you receive a performance appraisal you must be open minded. Your boss, coach, or observer are not trying to hurt your feelings or say that you are no good they are simply trying to help you be the best to your

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