What is freedom? Freedom is a lot of things. Freedom is equality within people. Freedom is not keeping one certain set of people or group separated or segregated from another. Freedom is having your rights that you deserve. Two people that have stood up for freedom are Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. They both fought for freedom within their homes and their countries, trying to make a difference and showing people around the world to help them or show them that they can do the same. In America, Dr. King fought for civil rights, equality, and no segregation in the country.
Freedom: the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. These words are the foundation upon which the United States of America was built upon. Present day citizens of all races are able to enjoy a variety of rights and liberties, such as the freedom of speech and freedom to assemble, but this wasn’t always the case. Back in the 1800’s, the clutches of slavery had a tight hold on the south. Many people of color were chained from birth and forced to work in fields and mines for what they thought would be until the end of their lives.
“Refuge in America” by Langston Hughes draws a picture of freedom as an event to be celebrated. “There are words like Freedom/ Sweet and wonderful to say./ On my heart-strings freedom sings/ All day everyday”(Hughes 907). Freedom is a privilege to have, valuable to many, and desired by those who are not fortunate enough to have it. We should not take for granted what is given to us by those who fought for it. For example, Martin Luther King,Jr. went to jail for protesting racial segregation in Alabama and was a public influencer when it came to events rallying people together in support. While there he wrote a letter in response to a newspaper article saying,”We will reach the goal of freedom in Birmingham and all over the nation, because the goal of America is freedom”(King 1109). He was bold in pursuit for freedom and became a major reason why everyone in America is equal today. The opportunities we are given would not be available without the freedom we were
Throughout history freedom has had many different meanings and definitions; based on race, gender, and ethnicity. According to the dictionary freedom means the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint (“freedom” def. 1). Freedom may seem like something given to everyone however it was something workers had to fight for. Not everyone believed that workers’ rights needed to be changed, which led to a long battle between workers, employers and the government. To the working class people freedom meant making higher wages, having regulated hours, workable conditions and the right to free speech.
Freedom, what is it? Well freedom is the right to speak, think, and believe as we would like. It is what this country gives us. It is what the founding fathers gave to us when they signed the Constitution. Freedom is a gift in so many ways! Think of the
Having freedom is what makes the people who they are as humans, and what they are meant to be. Freedom is simple as saying small and easy things, "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows" (Orwell 84). Before anything else, freedom is the most important thing they can all have, because without it,
Freedom is for everyone because they all have it. Freedom plays a big role in many lives like making their own business or homes and buying properties of their own. They can choose where they live or choose where they want to make a home and they can choose who they want to marry and they can choose what they want they to work as or what their company or specialty is.
A common theme emerged for the African American people; the government may say that everyone is in this fight together but we, as African Americans, now this is not true. From the segregated military to the non-willing acceptance of African American workers in wartime factories the African American people felt that they fought a two-sided war. This two-sided approach to war took a name for itself, The Double V Campaign. African Americans joined the fight for freedom just like all other Americans, but many thought this to be the time and place to advocate for civil right,
Freedom is something that many people take for granted. Having freedom allows you to make your own decisions. Many people abuse their rights by making bad choices. It is important to appreciate the rights you have because not everyone around the world has freedom.
The 1960s was an era of the civil rights movements that African Americans held to end segregation and racism. Although African Americans faced abundance of hindrances throughout their strive for equality, they responded with increased courage, hope and determination.
When I think of Freedom, I picture America. America is one of the few countries on Earth that is considered to be free. Freedom is such an important part of America, it is in our national anthem,: “O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.” The United States of America is a country that was founded on freedom. Brave men and women sailed across the Atlantic to escape persecutions in England in search of new land where they could be free. Later, this same breed of determined individuals fought against the most powerful army in the world, at the time, and won their independence. Those people laid the foundation of America’s freedom and paid for it with their lives.
Freedom has been strived for, for years. An example to why freedom is important is so people have the same rights and so every citizen is equal. Rosa Parks
In the Voices of Freedom, the passage explains the idea of American imperialism during the 1890s. It was written by a Filipino revolutionary and politician Emilio Aguinaldo. He was writing about the how the United States are taking over countries and limit their freedoms. Emilio's document was specifically describing the United States' occupation of the Philippines after the Spanish American War. The Question is that "Why does Aguinaldo think that the United States is betraying its own values?". Emilio thinks that the U.S is betraying its own value because they follow the practice of imperialism.
Freedom means different things to various groups of people. For African Americans, freedom was being released from slavery and given the same rights that their white counterparts were allowed. For female suffragettes, freedom meant the right to vote, and to have a voice equal to the one that men had. Different groups have a different definition of what freedom means to them.
1. Members of the Catholic or non-Trinitarians would be excluded from toleration under Maryland Law.
First, what is freedom? It's an ambiguous term that can hold many different meanings to different people. Where a person comes from, their socio-economic status, their race, age, gender and other factors play a role in defining what freedom is. It's used in many different senses, for example: is freedom being able to do as you like