
How To Read Literature Like A Professor Analysis

Decent Essays

American Literature has never ceased to reveal what this land has to offer and the idea that you get out of it what you put into it. The idea that you could have freedom, opportunity, and the ability to make money became known as the American dream. People wanted this dream to become their reality, no matter the cost or who stood in their way. On the other hand, it was obscure to those who had never experienced it before, including some within our own walls. Authors from decades past give us insight as to what both of those worlds look like. In How to Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines by Thomas C. Foster it shows how life may not always work out. “The Puritans, only a few years after him, saw failure in business-ruined crops, bankruptcy, financial mismanagement, even disease in one’s herd-as clear evidence of God’s displeasure …show more content…

“Refuge in America” by Langston Hughes draws a picture of freedom as an event to be celebrated. “There are words like Freedom/ Sweet and wonderful to say./ On my heart-strings freedom sings/ All day everyday”(Hughes 907). Freedom is a privilege to have, valuable to many, and desired by those who are not fortunate enough to have it. We should not take for granted what is given to us by those who fought for it. For example, Martin Luther King,Jr. went to jail for protesting racial segregation in Alabama and was a public influencer when it came to events rallying people together in support. While there he wrote a letter in response to a newspaper article saying,”We will reach the goal of freedom in Birmingham and all over the nation, because the goal of America is freedom”(King 1109). He was bold in pursuit for freedom and became a major reason why everyone in America is equal today. The opportunities we are given would not be available without the freedom we were

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