
Peer Reflection

Good Essays

Peer Reflection Report
For my peer reflection assignment, I chose to review a video posted by Lana Pachuca. I chose her video because I have watched most of my classmates videos over the past few weeks, however this was the first week I was able to watch one of hers. Also, her counseling session was focusing on helping a client deal with coping skills for anxiety and I was interested in seeing the outcomes of the client using the coping skills over the course of a week.
I felt that Lana did a great job of demonstration how to use reflection of content back to the client. For example, Lana asked her client how the past week of using the coping skills turned out for her, and Lana was able to clearly articulate how the client was successful at …show more content…

At the beginning of this course, I knew that I would be challenged as soon as I saw that I would have to record myself demonstrating some skills and techniques that I have never even heard of before. On the other hand, some of the skills, like asking open-ended and closed-ended questions, attending to a person through minimal encouragers and using head nods, were very familiar to me. I became more aware of how to utilize the familiar skills for more effectiveness, while being stretched to try techniques that I have been reading about for a few months. Some of the skills and techniques that learned were reflecting emotions and content back to the client, summarizing statements made by a client after an extended discourse, and utilizing the ABC model of REBT. I also took great strides in attempting Desibels in order to help clients desensitize irrational thoughts (Hackney & Cormier, 2013). Goal setting was a skill that thought that I knew how to do very well, but realized that I will need a bit more practice in crafting a treatment plan that entails goal …show more content…

However, I have realized that counseling skills can be learned, practiced and mastered over time. Although I believe that I have some natural abilities that can be considered helping skills in counseling, I have learned that I have some strengths that can be refined and continually strengthened, while those skills that I am naturally weak in can be the skills that I focus on developing through practice and research. For example, I know that I do well with making people feel comfortable by exhibiting an open posture, while attending to them with relevant open-ended questions. On the other end, I struggle with using various sentence stems when reflecting back emotions and content to the client. I also found myself struggling at times clearly communicating directions to interventions that I would like for a client to try during a counseling session. It was an enlightening experience to be able to watch my classmates learn and grow in developing their counseling skills and techniques too. I felt like we are all able to not only learning from one another but have the opportunity to engage in some of the modeling techniques we learning about in the behavioral interventions section of our text (Hackney & Cormier,

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