
Peaceful Resistance To The Government And Its Impact On Society

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Their are many theories on how government came to be, yet the most popular theory among people is the one in which humans voluntarily decided to create a government in order to receive security and protection. If we look at government through this angle we can see that it was based primarily for the mass majority to benefit them, not benefit one man or a few people. In my opinion I believe peaceful resistance positively impacts society. People say that " Rules are meant to be broken" This statement has some truth to it because some rules are unfair to the citizens that live in that country. No human is born perfect when people put their trust to one man or a group of people thinking that they won't make mistakes, citizens are only deluding themselves from accepting the …show more content…

If we look back towards the civil rights movement. Civil right legend Rosa Park through her bold actions inspired other African Americans to start a peaceful protest from riding the buses. This action affected the government because many people used these buses and through their civil disobedience the government was losing money. Another great example would be comparing Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcom X. Two Civil rights legend that took two completely different approaches to get equal rights for African Americans. Martin Luther King Jr. took a peaceful approach to obtain equal rights because in his mind he believed showing the government their moral superiority would encourage others spectating to support them. Yet Malcom X believed doing whatever means necessary was the right approach. Although a small fraction of people compared to the entirety of everyone in the Civil Rights movement believed this, if enough people believed this and acted on it. Things might not be the same as they are today. I believe peaceful resistance is a positive way to impact a free society and make it

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